Kenya: Farmers Use Honeybees to Tackle Threat from Giant Elephants | Firstpost Africa

3 months ago

Kenya: Farmers Use Honeybees to Tackle Threat from Giant Elephants | Firstpost Africa

In Kenya's Taita-Taveta county, near Tsavo National Park, are safeguarding their crops with an innovative program by Save the Elephants charity - using African honeybees to deter the giant mammals. Rising population of elephants have led to frequent clashes with local farmers, who see the giant animals as a threat to their livelihood. They have been fencing their farms by using honeybees to shun away any threat from elephants. This long running programme, has been able to hack the interactions and dynamics between the honeybees and elephants, has shown positive results in the region, giving a nature-based solution to the problem, rather than a man-made solution. Watch the video to know more.


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