The hermit Lossens his grip Energy Vlog

2 months ago

The hermit Lossens his grip Energy Vlog title is from the date December 7, 2024 thus 27 which gives us #9 the Hermit card going within to find inner wisdom. The loosen your grip and perspective are the two card from the Starseed Oracle deck. Loosen your grip is coping mechanisms; Density;Addiction and let God In. The perspective card is none of this matters; Zoom out and Common Ground.

The schumann Resonance Today Disclosure news showed us three amplitudes the first a power of 25 at 1:15 AM UTC thus The Tower of the pharmaceuticals is falling Sweetly as the chariot takes off. The second amplitude power of 29 at 4:20 AM UTC thus the Lovers seek Justice for the death of their parent due to the covid vaccine. The third amplitude power is 25 at 12:15 PM UTC thus the Pisces Moon shines down upon the Chariot moving swiftly across the battlefield. The quality power of 10 the Wheel of fortune rolling in with big Karmic change. The Frequency Average is 7.86 hertz thus 21 the world or universe card which bring us abundance and completion of the hero's Journey.
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