NFMC Competition (2012) -David Jefferson-

3 months ago

In the NFMC piano scholarship competition grad school 2012 we were required to select 3 works each from contrasting musical time periods.

I was the Third place winner and was invited to perform during the winner's recital on April 15th 2012. RSVP details impending.

My pieces were as follows:

(1) Bach- Chromatic Fantasy in d minor BWV 903 (without the fugue because of time limit)

(2) Beethoven- Rondo in C Major op. 51 no. 1

(3) Liszt- Rhapsodie Hongroise No. 2 in C# minor then F#M

It was a fun time! The other pianists in the event were also fantastic.

The sound quality is a bit awry because it was recorded from a cell phone, and the first few measures of the Beethoven Rondo got cut off, however, those melodies are a prominent theme throughout the entire work, so it's all good.



-David Jefferson

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