9/11 The BIGGEST LIE 55 - STAND OFF - Created by JAMES EASTON, December 7th 2024

3 months ago

This video has a lot of video from 2015, 2016, in my early days - spewing forth Truth and Consequences, Warnings that weren't taken seriously. Now we are in the thick of it and I don't go into the horrifying situation we're in now, but myself and Doug Michael go over some important things to be aware of. Of course we're standing at the edge of the precipice. Have you seen the Deagel website on the Wayback Machine? Fuckin 335 million Americans down to 54 Million by 2025.. well folks, that's just one month away! DON'T FALL FOR THE NEXT SCAMDEMIC for CHRIST's SAKES!!!! I put in the old footage because I was a strong young man with important knowledgeable foresight to pass on - and it is no less the same as for today. Wake UP and wake the others... awakening is spreading throughout the world. Our options? Either we get swallowed up by the EVIL of this world, or we enter a golden age of CONSCIOUSNESS where the tables are turned right around, and we live and prosper in PEACE. The choice is yours. Is it better to keep quiet? Or spread it? I screamed WAKE UP from the roof tops since my youth. People DID get the message. Shed the lies and the indoctrination of your entire existence and build a new future on a foundation of TRUTH and RIGHTEOUSNESS!!! - James Easton

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