Police Terror Law Abuse; Gaza Dr: Palestinians need solidarity, not pity. Bristol Palestine Alliance

3 months ago

Police Corruption and Misuse of Tony Blair's Terrorism Act
Ben Trowell, Hasina Palestina, Bristol Palestine Alliance, NTBCFMPS- 06Dec2024

Public Meeting: UK Abuse Of The Terrorism Act
December 15 @ 2:30 am - 5:30 pm
Join us to delve in to why and how the UK government is using the terrorism act to silence voices speaking out for truth & justice against the ongoing Holocaust in Gaza and what we can do to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Panel of speakers:
Huda Ammori – Palestine Action
Richard Barnard – Palestine Action
Emma Kamio – Mother Leona Kamio one of the #Filton10
David Miller – Palestine Declassified
Sarah Wilkinson (via zoom) – Journalist

To avoid being refused entry to the event please ensure you bring:
1. Confirmation of your ticket
2. Photo ID

We look forward to welcoming you soon

Palestine activists face the British state of terror

Les Levidow • December 7, 2024

Anti-terror powers have intensified against Palestine activists and more recently against Kurdish activists, with raids, detentions, and restrictions imposed. Les Levidow uncovers the political motives behind this repression and calls for united resistance to challenge the counter-terror regime.

Since October 2023 mass protests have proliferated against Israel’s genocide, resulting in greater police harassment of pro-Palestine activists and journalists. Police have deployed various pretexts about arrestees, e.g., that they made antisemitic comments, disturbed public order, supported proscribed terrorist organisations, ‘encouraged terrorism’, etc. Under the Criminal Justice Act 2003, moreover, arrestees have undergone bail conditions such as exclusion zones around protest sites, as already inflicted on many other protesters.

Moreover, the police have used ‘anti-terror’ powers to impose worse punishments, e.g., by detaining arrestees for long periods, raiding their homes, and confiscating their electronic devices, thus turning them into non-persons. Such unjust uses of anti-terror powers should not be surprising, given the political drivers of the UK Terrorism Act 2000. Pro-Palestine activists and journalists have been added to a long-time list of ‘terror suspects’.

Since Starmer’s Labour government came to office in June 2024, there has been a greater use of counter-terror powers against political activists. An effective resistance needs to understand the state’s strategy, which began in the late 1990s. This article explains the history so that Palestine activists can better resist the intimidation alongside other groups being targeted.
Activists persecuted under anti-terror powers

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