CRAZIEST U.S. Coast Guard Operations

3 months ago

"From incredible rescue missions, to ensuring safe and lawful commerce around the U.S.A. These are some of the CRAZIEST U.S. Coast Guard Operations.

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The United States Coast guard is a unique branch of the military that employs nearly 42,000 men and women for an array of maritime duties.These are some of their stories.

3. St. Catherines’ Sound Georgia | Rescue
Even though most of us are sitting at home, bored out of our minds, the work for the USCG never really stops. On March 16, 2020, A Coast Guard Air Station Savannah MH-65 Dolphin helicopter crew had to search for a vessel in trouble. In the middle of the night, the crew managed to find the boat which had ran aground and was taking on water. The four people on board were quickly rescued and then transferred to EMS for further medical care.

Sometimes, helicopters are not the answer. Such was the case for these 5 fishermen rescued near Cape Alava in Washington State. The coast guard ship could not get close enough for the fishermen to jump, they had to tow a line in the water and pray for the best. Hopefully, everyone who is hanging out on fishing boats is not afraid of the open sea.

For a much “BIGGER” rescue mission, check out this video and learn about the MV GOLDEN RAY

2. D.O.G | Special Forces

Known as the Deployable Operations Group, DOG was a US Coast Guard command that trained, equipped and organized Deployable Specialized Forces.

From 2007 to 2013, DOG was responsible for all special unit training, but for one reason or another, the training unit was disbanded and half the special forces were split between Coast Guard Pacific and Atlantic Area commands.

For those 6 years, the DOG handled a lot of different things, like the 2010 Haiti Earthquake, and did a lot of work during the Deepwater Horizon oil spill.

The deepwater horizon was a semi submersible mobile offshore drilling unit that was used to extract oil from the deep sea. It did NOT end well, at all.

The Deepwater Horizon was drilling a deep exploratory well in the Gulf of Mexico, at depths reaching 18,360ft(5,600m) below sea level, at 5,100ft( 1600m) underwater.

On April 20th, 2010, high pressure methane rose to the drilling rig and exploded on the surface, engulfing the platform in flames. Of the 126 crew members on board, 94 made it out alive because of the quick rescue mission that followed the explosion.

A lot of people wish this was the end of the story, but the ensuing oil spill of 4.9 million barrels (210 million gal, 794 million liters) resulted in catastrophic environmental effects, and the total area affected by the spill was estimated at 68,000 sq. mi (180,000 Coastlines from Florida to Texas saw their share of oil reaching their beaches.

1.THE Drug Bust |

I know we just watched a bunch of different drug busts, but this one deserves its own spot on the list. On June 18th, 2019, crew members from the Us Coast Guard Cutter Munro boarded a SPSS in international waters. The action is short, but its definitely high quality. Can you imagine minding your own business and then you hear someone knocking on your submarine hatch ? I can only imagine what was going on in the smugglers heads.

The video made its rounds in the news media that month and it prompted an address from the VPOTUS himself. The Cutter Munro came back with more than 39,000 pounds of cocaine and 900 pounds of marijuana from 14 separate busts."

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