America is an Occupied Country

2 months ago

The United States of America stands at a perilous crossroads, where our national sovereignty and democratic integrity are being systematically undermined by a cabal of dual Israeli-American citizens embedded within our governmental structure. This infiltration has not only skewed our foreign policy but has also directed it towards an unyielding support for Israel, despite the egregious actions of its government under Benjamin Netanyahu, who is currently under indictment by the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity.
In Gaza, Lebanon, and the West Bank, we witness what can only be described as genocide, a term that should chill the spine of every American who values human rights. Yet, our nation continues to fund, arm, and give diplomatic cover to these atrocities. Why? Because too many high-level positions in our government are held by individuals with dual loyalties, whose primary allegiance appears to be not to the United States but to Israel.
The question of loyalty is paramount. When heads of agencies, advisors to the President, and key policymakers hold dual citizenship with Israel, where does their true allegiance lie? The Constitution demands that officials swear an oath to defend the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Yet, the actions and policies they advocate often seem to serve Israel's interests over that of America's. Are we to believe there are no capable, patriotic Americans without dual citizenship who could serve in these roles?
Moreover, there's a disturbing trend among some Israeli-Americans and American Jewish leaders to advocate for policies that threaten the very fabric of American society. Calls for the "extermination" of white people, promoting mass illegal immigration, and encouraging racial miscegenation while maintaining racial purity within their own communities, reveal a profound hypocrisy. These actions suggest a deliberate strategy to weaken the cultural and demographic unity of America while preserving their own identity.
The promotion of pornography, multiculturalism, homosexuality, LGBT ideology, Communism, and gender fluidity by these individuals while simultaneously ensuring that such cultural shifts do not affect their own communities, further illustrates this double standard. It's as if there's an agenda to destabilize traditional American values, ethics, and family structures while maintaining a separate set of standards for themselves.
Why this push for ideologies that, at their core, aim to dismantle the cultural and moral backbone of the country, yet are shielded from impacting Jewish communities? This selective application of cultural revolution is not only unethical but smacks of manipulation at the highest levels of influence.
The implications are clear: a significant portion of our government has been co-opted by those whose interests do not align with the welfare of the American populace or the nation's founding principles. This is not about anti-Semitism; it's about the integrity of our government and the purity of our national policy. It's about ensuring that those who serve in our highest offices are unwaveringly loyal to the United States and its citizens.
It's time for America to reclaim its independence, to scrutinize the influence of foreign nationals in our government, and to ensure that our foreign policy reflects the interests of America, not those of any other nation. We must demand transparency, accountability, and a return to governance that prioritizes American values, security, and prosperity. The silent acquiescence to this dual citizenship influence must end, and we must ask with urgency: Who truly governs this occupied nation?
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