Egg-Shaped Temples

2 months ago

A huge number of structures around the world are egg-shaped. What mystery is hidden in this?

🔹 Why did Nostradamus use an egg-shaped capsule for his predictions?
🔹 What amazing possibilities lie in egg-shaped structures found in different parts of the world?
🔹 Why did the Templars build egg-shaped temples, and what was their impact on the spiritual development of a person?

✅ Find out more about the secrets of ancient and modern temples - watch the full version of "The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part I )":

and "The Mystery of Sacred Structures | Kaleidoscope of Facts 30 (Part II )":

✅ International online forum "Global Crisis. Our Survival Is in Unity" with language selection:

#ALLATRA #EggshapedTemples #EggShape #Templars #KaleidoscopeofFacts

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