Whistleblower Ronald Bernard Gives MORE Detail About Satanic Controllers in English 2018

3 months ago

MAY 31st 2018

Start this video at the 6:30 mark. This original interview is from MAY 31st 2018.

If anyone doesn't know who Ronald Bernard is should watch this 38-minute video where he officially tells his story of working for these Satanic Bankers between 1989-1994.

Notes from Video:
Ronald explains that these PREDATOR CLASS elites are born into this world like the rest of us but they get PREPARED by their parents who are the rulers of this planet and own 99+% of all the wealth. Ronald had an abusive childhood due to his father being damaged during WW2 (Netherlands was Nazi occupied) and at the age of 9 was sent to a Catholic school where the sex abuse was even WORSE!

The last 5 years (1989-1994) of being in the highest financial positions to serve the old "POWERS THAT BE" he became friends with some of these people and they recognized each other by the stories of their youth (abusive childhoods). These "POWERS THAT BE" sometimes SACRIFICE their first child for MORE POWER but if they don't do this then they put them into an electric cage to BREAK THEM as children in all the ways they can so they can be TRAINED for their future role to be one of the most powerful people on the planet.

Ronald says he vaccinated his first 2 children but learned later by reading the ingredients that he did not vaccinated his last 2 children. His first 2 childrens immune system is damaged.

Ronald was taken out of his home when he was 9 years old to a catholic organization to raise and the abuse got worse as some of the guests wore masks while in a sexual ritual abuse with him and the other children being looked after and Ronald went back to his mother at 12 years old after her divorce. When he became an adult his horrible child abuse memories were suppressed but focused on MAKING MONEY and to become RICH and he had a lot of HATRED for people due to his child abuse. In 1994 he was 32 years old so born in 1962.

During the last 5 years of serving these POWERS THAT BE he was in the church of Satan which he thought was just a joke and didn't take it seriously until afterwards he realized how REAL it all was. It was the eventual INVITATION by these people to SACRIFICE CHILDREN that was his breaking point in his FINANCIAL CAREER with these people. He had became a top criminal serving the big money for the top people of this world. He did currency attacks against the Italian Lira and later met many of the victims later in life of his direct actions.

At 12 years old he was stealing things to sell at the flee markets. He cut flowers that were not his and sold them door to door pretending he worked for a charity and at 14 years old he was trying to COUNTERFEIT MONEY (And very good at it). He was constantly looking for ways to make money. After his army stint he set up a car business, import/export business and a ladies fashion business only as COVERS to his criminal underworld dealings like smuggling drugs & weapons and he said the criminal networks are small where you get to know everyone quickly.

When he was 25 years old (1987) he was offered jobs (From Drug Dealers & weapons dealers) to dump into the international markets AMERICAN DOLLARS$ that were printed in the East. They bought the counterfeit US Dollars at a discount and he got his slice of that as well. Ronald climbed up in the criminal world as he was taking risk but was successful in his criminal tasks. Ronald said many countries counterfeit other countries currency as part of an economic war. The last 5 years (1989-1994) he had access to the INTERNATIONAL TRADING MARKETS where the lower criminal networks are untrustworthy snakes but the higher criminal networks are more honest and he became friends with many of them as they were all similar in their goals. He says there is hope when you realize how DAMAGED & EMPTY the most powerful people on the planet really are. Ronald and his collegues would go into the bars and would light up a $1,000 Guilder bill to offer a smoker in the bar a light just for a joke as these regular working people freaked out over a month of wages getting burned in front of them. Ronald and his collegues looked at money like toilet paper they were making so much. He later realized all his spending of money was to try and fill the INFINITE HOLES inside of them and then you are working for the monster of GREED. The TRILLIONAIRES on this planet are totally EMPTY and feel scared.

Most of these people want OUT but they are in their own prison. All the central banks are connected to the Bank of International Settlements. The BRICS system is just the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION to the old central bank system but it is still part of the NEW WORLD ORDER and a fake dualistic system. China is the future model of the whole world. An online person asks about an Israeli person who is now running the Brazilian central bank and Ronald brings up the question "What is a real Jew from Judaism? How many actually come out of the original 12 tribes of Judea? (57:45 Mark) Then asks about the political movement of ZIONISM.

The old timers from his last 5 years (1989-1994) used SATELLITE PHONES. They run as SHADOWS so they use FAKE IDENTITIES and FAKE COMPANIES and you never know who is behind all this. Ronald mentions the KNOWN 13 families and says you don't know who is BEHIND them which is the REAL POWER! Ronald says if you come across a poor person on the street who looks terrible and you feel sorry for them, there is a chance that you are meeting one of the most powerful people on this planet. They dress like this for PROTECTION.

The power structure is the structure of a PYRAMID and all the layers of the pyramid have involvement. He talks about people in the alternative media and asks what types of FRUIT are these people really giving and you need to know there backgrounds because these people are everywhere (controlled opposition?). He says the PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDER OF ZION give you the BLUEPRINT of everything I worked for and what he was involved in and you can see how it is created EVERYWHERE including UNIVERSITIES, SCHOOLS, POLITICS, and whatever you can imagine and they have INFLUENCE EVERYWHERE!

Even if it is AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL that has 99% doing good, it is just the 1 person in a KEY POSITION that is under the influence of these HIGHER POWERS. Talking is cheap but WATCH THEIR ACTIONS for those who serve the NWO agenda.

Ronald mentions President Trumps Human Rights Executive Order on December 21st 2017. Ronald was an atheist in his old life (1994 & earlier) and didn't believe in anything until he had his first OUT OF BODY EXPERIENCE after his breakdown in 1994 where he was hospitalized. In his 2nd life (1994 & after) he read a lot of spiritual holy books where he believes beyond the 4 dimensions of length, width, height and TIME but then discovered we are at the Crosspoint's of MULTI DIMENSIONS and FREQUENCIES and then your awareness starts to GROW. And the lower frequencies are the darkness. He says he has had his own experience where he has a question and before the question is given he already has the ANSWER (inside of himself) as he studied this stuff since 1996.

Whenever we get ANGRY we are serving the lower entities of Lucifer. The best the Luciferians can get is having a blood sacrifice during wars while having an orgy. The only EVIL the higher dimensional entities have is going THROUGH the persons/beings. Ronald recalls one of the meetings they were having (1989-1994) with one of the HIGH POWERS present at the meeting where one of his colleagues was making a lot of mistakes and not really listening where this HIGH POWER person (their Client) walked up to the man and put his hand out in front of the mans chest without touching him and his colleague immediately began SCREAMING in pain for a long time. Ronald now believes this HIGH POWER human/client got his power from the HIGHER DIMENSIONS as he was making a FIRE burning inside the body of his collegue. It is INTER-DIMENSIONAL POWERS. So these HIGH POWER humans are just HOSTS of these interdimensional beings. Ronald believes what we are facing is a multidimensional collective being. We have to act as ONE BODY when HUMANTITY UNITES!!

When you VOTE you give your VOICE AWAY so you have to wait 4 more years until the next election and do it again. FREEWILL will be respected but we have to UNITE. Ronald is starting the UNITED PEOPLE MOVEMENT as the next stage of his life and then we can create what we want like a new banking system, health system, energy system etc... This will not be a fight as it is based on FREEWILL. He says he learned his final lessons after he was jailed in Belgium and his breakdown. A friend of his broke his freemasonry pledge and told Ronald he was a high ranking 33rd degree mason and this guy told him the last piece of the puzzle which was to create your own space where others join and it becomes more space until 7 billion people are creating their own space. Ronald says these people KNOW what is coming and they have LIMITED TIME to make their plans happen and take control (Now to 2028). We are now entering that period where this whole game will be finished and everyone including THE POWERS THAT BE will start to make decisions. They will create a fake 3rd world war to create HORROR and FEAR. They are not innovators so they do the same thing over and over including false flag operations. They will raise the pressure and the terror leading up to 2028. So your CHOICE will be to become an ETERNAL SLAVE as a battery or become LIBERATED.

Ronald believes that JFK was killed because he was breaking the rules and his agreement he made before president. JFK was printing his own money and doing his own things and was being his own man. Ronalds new BANK would be a COOPERATIVE where every person has a vote. He brings up Madelaine Albright where she said 500,000 children dead in Iraq was worth it (Psychopaths). Follow the money and you will start understanding everything as they were always putting up smoke screens to hide their tracks. He says read THE PROTOCOLS OF THE ELDERS OF ZION.

This interview was from May 2018 and Ronald Bernard says things will begin happen FASTER AND FASTER when the DUALISTIC GAME will end. Ronald has had attacks of FEAR where he just says "GO!!" where it disappears so he believes in the spiritual and Jesus Christ. Their FEAR is an illusion that appears a millimeter away from your face and through "just a thought" ....it DISAPPEARS!!

Source: https://rumble.com/v1ykdjk-2018-ex-dutch-banker-ronald-bernard-goes-into-more-detail-and-solutions.html?ysclid=m4en2ir2fs250408993

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