A Toast to "Ill" Health? Alcohol & Your Insides!

3 months ago

This is the information I am presenting in this video, with lots of links to follow: https://www.wondrousroots.org/alcohol-use-health

For most of my adult life I have been an enthusiastic wine drinker, hardly a day going by without it.

Then, one early spring day nearly two years ago, I decided to do a two-week spring liver cleanse, so naturally took - what I intended to be a temporary - wine hiatus.

I felt so fabulous during that time - and in some ways I would never have suspected, better - that I've never had another sip!

So, like every annoying former smoker who can't shut up about the dangers of smoking, and having investigated a bit further into the science, I am now warning of the health dangers of alcohol consumption.

Does that mean you can't be optimally healthy unless you become a teatotaller? No. But. You should be aware of how chronic, regular alcohol consumption can be impacting your health, perhaps in ways you never considered before.

Many people today drink way too much, and I'm not talking about the "classic alcoholic."

Especially during this holiday season, let me assure you, you can have an absolute blast without it, and there are so many other wonderful things to enjoy!

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