OP2411-29-6 After Action Report

2 months ago


This is based on the Arma 3 wargame. The voice is AI generated and represents no individual, living or dead. The text of the transcript, while AI generated, is based on data provided by the channel author.


In Altis, Chernarus naval intelligence issued a warning order to 2nd battalion operations staff for Chernarus 2nd Separate Naval Infantry Brigade, that separatists were massing a force approximately one km due west of Panageia. This discovery was made by a combination of NATO intelligence electronic intercepts, Hellenic Air Force and Chernarus fixed wing and drone overflights.
The strength of the enemy troops massing at that location was approximately a reinforced rifle company including MRAPs and technicals. This activity follows their pattern of preparation for occupying locations where friendly forces are absent. Agreements between NATO and the civilian authorities in Altis are that NATO and affiliated forces are required to stay clear of the demilitarized areas, such as the west coast of Altis unless called upon to conduct operations.
2nd Battalion command staff ordered an amphibious operation to be conducted on the west coast of Altis with Chernarus amphibious naval infantry forces penetrating to the location of enemy troops, and destroying them. Included in those forces are four naval infantry squads transported by CB-90 assault transport boats, and supported by 127mm naval artillery.
The operation was opened by artillery bombardment of four anti-aircraft emplacements along the coast, bombardments intended to allow air support by nearby Hellenic F-4 fighter-bombers.
After landfall, all four rifle squads dismounted their boats and quickly moved inland. Command Squad located an enemy checkpoint and directed artillery fire upon the vehicles and troops at that location. This permitted friendly forces to advance to the west without hindrance. Commander also located a second checkpoint and also directed naval artillery to destroy it.
The tactical plan to engage the enemy forces was for all four rifle squads to be arrayed in a concave pattern as they advanced. Command Squad then would advance up the road until contact could be made with enemy vehicles, so artillery can be called upon to destroy them. The remainder of the task force advanced with Command Squad, quickly sweeping away all opposition.
Commander also used naval artillery to scatter artillery-launched mines along likely avenues of counterattacks by enemy reinforcements.
Commander located two civilian criminal command operatives, and eliminated them both. He also seized documents and a cell phone from them. Once complete, operations staff for 2nd Battalion ordered the task force to return to the boats.
On the return leg, Command Squad encountered an enemy patrol and engaged them with artillery fire and with rifle fire, destroying them. On the coast, Command Squad encountered a second enemy Patrol and similarly engage them with artillery fire and rifle fire.
Casualties were light. 2nd Squad lost one. 3rd Squad lost one. 4th Squad lost five.
Field counts of enemy losses included four technicals.
Data gleaned from the document seized indicated that the separatists intend to continue seizing towns and villages on the west coast for the purposes of requisitioning supplies, money, and recruits.

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