3 months ago

Abram, became Abraham, only after crossing over the Euphrates, coming out of what was to be called Babylon (Sumer / Ur & Akkad), thus also a Hebrew.
Hebrew literally means "cross over", leaving one side, going to another side, the river a baptism, or cleansing sanctification. Then there was Issac, nearly offered a sacrifice to Yah, upon Mt. Moriah, where the temple of Solomon would later be built. Issac's son, Jacob, was spiritually renamed Israel. The sons of Israel were 12 and 13 in number, Joseph sold into Egyptian slavery, betrayed by the first 11 of his jealous brothers. Joseph interpreted pharaoh's dream and was made as like a "god" or prince, given an Egyptian name, Zaphenath-Paneah aka Imotep. The very drought that Joseph had predicted from that dream drove Israel and his sons to move into Egypt. Joseph forgave his brothers and wept, embracing his father. Their family was granted land in Goshen. Another pharaoh came along, who hadn't known much of Joseph, and enslaved the Hebrew Israelites. Their numbers had grown so large that he ordered the death of all male infants born to Hebrew women. Moshe / Moses was placed in a basket, upon the Nile River, found and adopted by pharaoh's daughter. Moshe saw a taskmaster beating a Hebrew and struck him down so hard that he died, so fled into the land of Midian (Saudi Arabia) and Yah spoke to him through a burning (glow?) bush, ordering him to return and confront pharaoh, demanding he let HIS people go. Plagues came and went, until the final one, which instituted Passover. An angel of death struck down the eldest son of the Egyptians. Few understand that pharaoh's son was "Tut", buried in a tomb not of his own. He was placed in his father's tomb and the Egyptians offered much of their wealth in gold, etc., placed in that tomb, due to fearing Yah. Well, you know the Hebrews fled and crossed the Red Sea (Reed, in the northern portion). Solomon, son of David would erect memorial pillars upon both shores. Some try to poo-poo the evidence, but to their own, everlasting demise. Mt. Sinai is in Saudi Arabia.

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