Cymatic patterns are visible vibrations and sounds that result from the study of cymatics,

2 months ago

which is the visualization of sound. The word cymatics comes from the Ancient Greek word kῦμα, which means "wave". Cymatic frequency patterns are the visible effects of sound and vibration that occur when a surface vibrates in response to a specific sound frequency: Different frequencies create different patterns, lower frequencies create simpler patterns with fewer nodes, while higher frequencies create more complex patterns with more nodes.
About the photo: 2+0+6+3 = 11 | Rites and rituals involve numerology, and no numbers are more powerful than the Master Numbers: 11, 22 and 33. Occult tradition sees astrology as "sacred knowledge" and 2/22/2022 astrologically speaking, was a very interesting day for the US. It was the first time Pluto was conjunct to the U.S. since July 4, 1776. It symbolizes both destruction & rebirth, which is believed to last two years. 1776 was also the year and birth of the Illuminati.
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