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Mike Balloun teaches today. 12-07-24

Beautification of the Soul through Yieldedness

VERSES: 1st John 2:6; 1st Peter 1:9-10; Philippians 3:8-14; Deuteronomy 6:25; John 17

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In Haran, Jacob lives with and labors for his uncle Laban, tending his livestock. Laban agrees to give him his younger daughter, Rachel -whom Jacob loves- in marriage, in return for seven years of labor. But on the night of their wedding, Laban deceivingly gives him his elder daughter Leah instead. In the morning, Jacob discovers the deception and reproaches Laban. Laban excuses his deception by saying; “It must not be so done in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn.” (Laban having known Jacob’s past, would have long since determined his response to Jacob’s anticipated reproach, that would of seemingly justified his action and curbed Jacob’s anger, as it would have pricked Jacob’s heart for his own deception of his father, in that he would have realized he had reaped what he had sown.) So Jacob agrees to work for Laban an additional 7 years for Rachel. And after fulfilling a week alone with Leah, Jacob marries Rachel.
Leah gives birth to 6 sons; Reuben, Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulon and a daughter, Dinah, while Rachel remains barren. Rachel gives Jacob her handmaid, Bilhah, as wife to bear children in her stead, and she bears two sons, Dan and Naphtali. Leah then does the same with her handmaid, Zilpah, who gives birth to two more sons, Gad and Asher. And at last, Rachel’s prayers are answered and she gives birth to Joseph (and later Benjamin).
It is the heart-cry of Rachel “give me children, or else I die!” that has the New Testament overcomer in view. In that Rachel, in type, represents the work of the spirit/Spirit inwardly upon the soul to bring forth loving fruits of righteousness.

It is Jacob’s love for Rachel and her children, particularly Joseph, the first born, that touches on the supreme ‘agape’ love of Jesus on the sanctified that exceeds the rich love of God on the lost or on the merely redeemed typed in Leah. For God loves the world, and loves the Body of Christ, but has a greater love for His Bride who is perfected in His love and holiness by the power of the Holy Spirit (levels of intimacy also being seen in the Lord’s nearness to 3 of His disciples; Peter, John, and James).

Jacob slept, “And it came to pass, that in the morning, behold it was Leah.” His sleeping was, in type, Jesus descending into Hades, and when He arose, behold it was not the Bride of His love; “bright-eyed, beautiful and well favored,” but Leah; “weak and nearsighted” that was set before Him! What…? Here was not the glorious Bride and adorned ruling Queen whom the Father had promised Him from before the foundation of the World! No not at all! It was those same nearsighted/half-blind, who didn’t recognize Him, “slow of heart to believe” redeemed… who He rebuked for it. Behold, it is not His beloved, but Leah!

Now spiritually, in answer to this, are Laban’s words… “It must not so be done in our country, to give the younger before the firstborn.” Which is to simply say God’s plan of Salvation for man is that regeneration of the ‘spirit’ of man must precede the sanctifying/beautifying of the soul. (See 1st Peter 1:9-10… “Receiving the end (goal) of your faith, even the salvation of your souls. Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you.”) It is not possible that sanctification unto reconciliation of the soul could come without it first being challenged in additional ‘service’ unto fruitfulness in the regeneration state. Which, from God’s point of view, said simply; there is no Atonement that may in itself impute to man oneness holiness. (Note that in justification, we are imputed righteousness, while sanctification is cooperating with the Holy Spirit to attain a righteousness of our own, which equates to fruit on our tree. Another comparison would be to say that Leahs are all about needing to be loved, as typed in Leah who was desperate for Jacob to love her, while Rachels are all about being love.)

First, nearsighted Leah; mere regeneration, looks to satisfy the soul’s affections (generally by having listened and believed religious reasonings that exclude the additional servant’s service work of beautifying selflessness in the soul. ‘Grace’ without transformation of the redeemed soul into the image of Jesus is doctrinal perversion) which cause us to fall short of our first love. But… a number of the enlightened souls (as the 120 out of 500 who were in the upper room at Pentecost) are rightly not satisfied being merely....

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