We Triple Dog Dare You to Watch This Bible Study!

3 months ago

Abundant Life Fellowship is a Remnant Church and all Bible Studies and messages are taught expository using God’s All Sufficient Word the Bible.
In this vital study, Pastor David French and Ken Whitcomb will be talking about a subject that most of today’s modern Church avoids which is “Hell!”
There are several subjects God’s Word so clearly details that most who profess to be Christians want to ignore such as the teaching on God’s Eternal Judgment of the Lake of Fire or Hell! There are many who profess to know Jesus Christ and yet they teach that there is no such a place as hell! Many have said God is love and He would never send anyone to a horrible place like hell. Is that what God’s Word the Bible teaches? We will look at several key scriptures to determine if God would send anyone to hell or not in this Bible study. The question we ask you is- are you willing to watch listen to this Bible Study and learn about God’s Great White Throne Judgment a.k.a. Hell?
We dare you to listen! We Double Dog Dare you!

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