Commands from God Deuteronomy 6:11-19

3 months ago

Excerpt from Temping God Jesus in the Wilderness episode of The Words in Red Jesus Speaks series.
Text read from Deuteronomy 6-10-19 NKJV, all rights reserved
90 & Out is a video commentary on the Christian Bible with new episodes uploaded periodically.
90 & Out is written, directed, and presented by Timothy Holt.
Timothy Holt serves as youth pastor at Six Points Church in Parker, PA and is the former children's pastor at Westdale Church in Cedar Rapids, IA. Timothy Holt believes the Christian Bible can be read easily but may take some effort to understand. With so many variations out there, how does one start their search for the truth. Hopefully, this channel with help you read and understand the Christian Bible more fully, as well as, being entertained.

"The pursuit of knowledge is the beginning of wisdom" -ancient Jewish proverb

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