Cornerstone Free Church Worship Service - December 8, 2024

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Sermons by Pastor David Whitney, Senior Instructor of Institute on the Constitution and pastor of Cornerstone Free Church in Arnold, MD.

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SUNDAY December 8 2024

Order of Worship

Theme: The grace and peace of our Lord and Savior will carry His saints through all the trials and tribulations of this life.

Welcome & Call to Worship
“Come Thou Long Expected Jesus” #244
“It Came Upon the midnight Clear” #251
Prayer & Children’s Lesson
  “O Little Town of Bethlehem” #250
  “Silent Night” #253
Offering - “O Come, O Come Emmanuel” #245
Responsive Reading - from Luke 1:67-79
Congregational Prayer
Hearing God’s Word
“Grace and Peace”- Pastor Whitney
Responding to God’s Word
“Emmanuel” #243
Benediction and Postlude

“Grace and Peace”
3rd In our series the Epistle of Paul to the Ephesians

I. Ishtar the Queen of Heaven - Jeremiah 7:17-20
* A. God’s Word condemns all the pagan practices associated with the worship of this female fertility idol
* 1. Ishtar worship involved changing men into woman and woman into men which those worshippers believed Ishtar had the power to do
* 2. The Israelites all too readily fell into this sin
* B. God’s Judgment fell upon Israel for this idolatry

II. The Cure for Idolatry - Ephesians 1:1-3
* A. The Worship of the One True God - repent, believe and receive
* 1. The notorious idolatrous worship of Ephesus
* 2. The One True God is the Triune God
* a. Father, Son and Holy Spirit are the Divine “Family”
* b. The Three Persons of the Triune God are one Being yet three persons - Matthew 28:19
* 3. God does not present Himself as:
* a. A corporation, or an educational institution, 
* b. A civil government or any other human organization
* c. He presents the Trinity as a Family
* B. Satan in his hatred of God seeks to destroy the very idea of the God ordained design and structure of family 

III. Grace and Peace come from The Father and The Son - Ephesians 1:2
* A. Grace is the unmerited favor bringing salvation - Eph. 2:8-9
* B. Peace with God - Romans 5:1
* 1. Before coming to faith we were enemies of God
* 2. Being at peace with God transforms us into Peacemakers in this world - Matthew 5:9

Amazing Grace by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



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