Nature as Identity part 2

3 months ago

Today we begin a deep dive into electromagnetics in this part 2 of my series on identifying through Nature.

We all, the planet, the galaxy, the universe, are forces undergirded by electromagnetics. Electromagnetics suspend the nuclei that compose us, hold the earth in orbit, form the gravity grounding you to this planet, and spin the earth on its axis. Electromagnetism composes the Milky Way galaxy to its shape, and black holes to their magnetism. It outlines and informs the pyramids at Giza, while at the same time suspends the soul in your body. Electromagnetism is the basis of existence, the organization of form, and the bridge between aether and matter.

With cameo appearances from Billy Carson, Dr. Rupert Sheldrake, and Joseph Campbell, and music from none other than Elvis, this video will render electromagnetics and alchemical symbolism to you so vividly, you will find yourself falling in love with yourself/Nature/God without even having to try. That, at least, is my hope. This makes me think of the line from Shawshank Redemption when Andy wrote in his farewell letter, "Remember Red...Hope, is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies."

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