Why We Have A Conflict With Thoughts?

3 months ago

#HOCD #Brain #Intrusive
If we are the brain then why do we have conflicts with our thoughts? Let see if this question is answered in this video.

#HOCD #Intrusive #Brain

Time Stamps:
0:00 - Forewords

4:50 - The Approach

6:26 - A bit of Background “Materialism”

7:35: - Behaviorists

8:03: - Identity Theory

8:21: - Functionalism

8:54: - Eliminative Theory

9:28: - Neuroscience

11:38 : - Phrenology

13:18: - Dr. Roger Wolcott Sperry

17:31: - Dr. Wilder Graves Penfield OM CC CMG FRS
was an American-Canadian neurosurgeon. He expanded brain surgery's methods and techniques, including mapping the functions of various regions of the brain such as the cortical homunculus.

20:22 - Penfield asked a brilliant question

22:51 - Dr. Adrian Mark Owen OBE (born 17 May 1966)

is a British neuroscientist and best-selling author. He is best known for his 2006 discovery, published in the journal Science, showing that some patients thought to be in a persistent vegetative state are in fact fully aware and (shown subsequently) able to communicate with the outside world using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI).

31:24 - Dr. Benjamin Libet ( April 12, 1916 – July 23, 2007)

was a pioneering scientist in the field of human consciousness. Libet was a researcher in the physiology department of the University of California, San Francisco. In 2003, he was the first recipient of the Virtual Nobel Prize in Psychology from the University of Klagenfurt, "for his pioneering achievements in the experimental investigation of consciousness, initiation of action, and free will".

40:05 - Materialism versus dualism

41:58 - Powers of mind, Un-liftable Body
Videos on This topic can be found in the playlist "Intrusive, transient, OCD, HOCD, negative thoughts” and "Intrusive, OCD, HOCD Short Videos"

Below there is a list of psychologists, psychotherapists , specialists, researchers and scientists who have discussed OCD and HOCD in medical terms and in detail.

The Official site for books and Skype / Zoom consultation:

Mehran Dadbeh (Author)
Facebook Page:
/ mindthatseekstruth

Brain Scans -Dr. Daniel Amen
• Video

Dr. Jeffrey M Schwartz 'You are not your brain' at Mind & Its Potential 2011
• Dr Jeffrey M Schwartz 'You are not yo...

Links on this topic:

Dr. Jan Weiner
clinical psychologist
OCD3: OCD & Sexuality
• OCD3: OCD & Sexuality

Dr. Phillipson:
What is Sexual Orientation OCD (previously called Homosexual OCD / HOCD)?
• OCD3: What is Sexual Orientation OCD ...

Dr. Phillipson:
OCD3, Ep1: Living with Intrusive Thoughts, Pure O
• OCD3, Ep1: Living with Intrusive Thou...

Rose Bretécher On How to Cope With Pure OCD
• Rose Bretécher On How to Cope With Pu...

OCD Treatment: Understanding "Intrusive" thoughts
• 4. OCD Treatment: Understanding "Intr...

Dr. Reid Wilson clip - "Winning OCD Strategies"
• Winning OCD Strategies

Dr. Reid Wilson
8 Self Help Principles in 5 Minutes (OCD) -
• 8 OCD Self Help Principles in 5 Minutes

Dr. Phillipson
What is Contamination OCD?
• OCD3: What is Contamination OCD?

Dr. Phillipson
Talks Science, Symptoms & Treatment of OCD
• OCD3: Dr. Phillipson Talks Science, S...

Dr. Phillipson Talks Science, Symptoms & Treatment of OCD
• OCD3: Dr. Phillipson Talks Science, S...
from 27.28 to 29.15 or continue to minute 30.36 for ERP technique

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Dr. Jan Weiner
clinical psychologist
OCD3: OCD & Sexuality
• OCD3: OCD & Sexuality

Dr. Jan Weiner
OCD3: OCD Metaphors
• OCD3: OCD Metaphors

Dr, Jan Weiner Beat it to the punch
• OCD3: Beat the Bully

Dr.Michael Egnor ( neurosurgeon ): The Evidence against Materialism
• Michael Egnor: The Evidence against M...

Short version: Dr. Michael Egnor Shows You're Not A Meat Robot
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Other links:
How Not To Help Create HOCD Thoughts!
• How Not To Help Create HOCD Thoughts!

What is over thinking and how to stop it
• What Is Overthinking And How To Stop...

How To Protect Yourself From HOCD Mother of All Talks on HOCD
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• HOCD:You Are And Shall Alway Be What ...

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