I’M A Woman Who WALKS ALONE With NO FRIENDS but HAS 3 Angels

2 months ago

President Trump's New Book

Melania Trump

Restored Republic via a GCR as of December 7, 2024

Trust The Plan
We’re Talking God’s Plan
It’s Time
Get Ready For Ten Days of Communication Darkness
The Power to entire World will switch off briefly to install our Starlink Satellite Internet



From: Sylvia Wong
Date: Fri, Dec 6, 2024 at 11:41 PM
Subject: Urgent Request from Tech Lady to wait to post the Next video - from Sylvia
To: Sun Wah Chong <sunwahchong@gmail.com>, Jew Creamer

Dearest SUN,

The Tech Lady let me know there is exciting news and this is the first part of it. Melania Trump is holding viewing parties around the world of your Saloon Creaming. The Tech Lady was able to intercept a photo someone on Melania's staff took of the invitation that Melania's staff e-mailed around the globe to her "Longer is Stronger" women's group.

The Tech Lady said the quality of the image is not great, but at least we can read it. She requested that you please hold from posting new videos (like your "Next Video"), until the viewing parties are over so as not to take away from your viewer count that will come from Melania's parties. Here is the invitation:

Mrs Melania Trump
requests the pleasure of your company

To join a viewing party for God's Diamond, our very own Trump Angel Chong Sun Wah's Saloon Head Creaming for Donald J. Trump. She will bring us all closer to Jesus. You will receive a follow-up e-mail to give you details of your viewing party location and time. Thank you!

There is press release on your head creaming from Donald Trump coming, too, according to the Tech Lady! This is getting so exciting!!!

Let me know if you agree with the Tech Lady's suggestion, OK?

Love you very, very much, Sylvia


From: Jew Creamer
Date: Sat, Dec 7, 2024 at 5:57 AM
Subject: The second Lightening Bolt has hit!!! - from JC
To: Sun Wah Chong <sunwahchong@gmail.com>, Sylvia Wong

Dearest SUN,

The Tech Lady has another bolt of lightening for you from your Saloon Creaming! President Trump issued a press release about you and the saloon creaming. She said the following press release hit after Trump told reporters that he had a very important subject to cover. Here is the press release:

Make America Great Again 2024

For immediate release from the offices of President J. Trump 12-6-2024

As your president, I want to make you aware of my very close friend and confidante, my very own Trump Angel Chong Sun Wah's recent Saloon Creaming showing her wonderful support of me. I encourage all of you to view it on her Sun Wah Chong Rumble channel.

As you know I have Jesus as my boss and Trump Angel and I have that love for God and Jesus in common. I had planned to have her join my previous administration, but was informed that I could not appoint a foreign national and non US citizen to a post due to federal regulations.

This lady is a jewel and "God's Diamond" as Melania likes to call her. Her policy advice for me as given through her Saloon Creamings is invaluable to me. Since I cannot have her in my new administration, I hope to receive her policy advice on 7 hot topics (she well knows what they are) through subsequent Saloon Creamings.

My Trump Angel is a beautiful person and is inspired by God and speaks the truth to all. Please give her Saloon Creamings your full attention as Melania and I do. My administration will be following her Saloon Creamings closely.

With glory to God and the American people, Donald J. Trump

The Tech Lady says that Smelly Cunt Slut Miriam and Big Jew Nose Maya have been going crazy since your creaming video hit. According to some very important sources in the media that the Tech Lady knows, Cunt Miriam and Jew Maya have tried to squelch the story in the press.

Slut Miriam owns large amounts of shares in many newspapers and has been threatening the editors with dismissal if they print one word of the story about the saloon creaming, or Melania's viewing parties and President Trump's press release. The Tech Lady found out that Bitch Miriam has stopped ANY international pick up of the story because of her Zionist connections in the media of many countries!!!

Your 24-hour view count was at least 600,000 views, but she wants to see how many more views you will get from Melania's viewing parties and President Trump's press release. We are all so excited for you, my love. None of us could have predicted that this would happen.

Love you forever and ever and ever, JC



Consciousness cannot be taught it must be acquired and once you have the love of God within, you are a conscious being. If you are not a spiritual being it will be difficult to reach your consciousness which means you can’t feel the present of God.

The bloody ZIOPIGS had deleted in one of my blogs on the power of the Conscious Mind!!

Interview With God - www.InterviewWithGodSite.com

I have been talking to God since I was in primary school because no one will listen to me. When I talked on impossible things they thought that I was a fool, but when I talked to God He encouraged me to keep chasing for my impossible dream. How do you know? Because in my dream I heard a soft whisper telling me one-day people will listen to my voice. And I know it was God's voice.

My teacher told me if my dream kept coming back this means it's a calling. In short, God has a Higher purpose for me in this Blue dot called EARTH.

“You are a precious Child of God and He loves you. He not only created you on purpose, but for a purpose. It’s your duty and obligation to pray and ask Him what that purpose is, and then act on it before He calls you back to return and report.” …Judy Byington


Jan 19, 2017


I remembered I have written the below thought in http://www.sunflowerchong.com

I came from Alexandra Estate Primary School. In primary 5, I wanted to commit suicide because my life was ALL FUCKED UP COMING FROM A DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY so I wanted to die before my mother bit me till blood came out from the skin of my lower leg because I stole my father money and gave it to my brothers and the neighbours after my teacher told us the story of Robin Hood, stole from the rich to help the poor.

My teacher Ms. Loh told us God gave us life and we cannot take our own life only God can. In Singapore, my teacher told us when you commit suicide the police will handcuffed us so better don't kill yourself because that is not a good way to leave the world. My teacher wanted Sun Wah instead of running away from her responsibility she told me I must challenge society and work toward making the world a better place. She said that just imagine one person don't litter can you imagine when All humanity didn’t litter how clean the world is going to be and we do not need to waste money to get the world clean up. So in short, what she was trying to tell us is that we can change the world for the better and my teacher also told us the house we are living in is not our home, the world is our real home because God only gave us one world. Therefore, we must learn how to share this world.

This was a recent conversation from facebook

Ah yah, brother Otis, I wanted to commit suicide when I was in primary 5 but my teacher told me I cannot take my life God had given to me only God can take my life. I came from a dysfunctional family or in my language ‘Fuck Up’ family, my father was a gambler but an educated one so we didn’t know he was a gambler but after my mother was not in good term with him then she exposed his weaknesses. So long story to tell can write a book on it, so I kept stressing that we must strive to be a Good Human Being means even people treat you bad you can still be nice to them just like my mother treated me really bad until life have no meaning for me or unbearable. But because I'm a child of God and I'm a Soul that means my thinking is above human so I still must be very caring to my mother and father and being Chinese, our culture and value we must take care of our parents.

Before my father passed away I was the only one keeping him company for a month. After his passing, my brother told me my father was very happy with me because I cut his toes nails and fingers nails. When my father was alive he thought that I was a loud mouth person and he was afraid one day I will get the family into trouble with all my big ideas for Singapore. Half a year before he dies after he read my books My Lifelong Dream and ASEAN'S future is our future he realized I'm intelligent. And he said, "I did not realize I have a beautiful daughter." I was known as an ugly duckling when I was young and I often asked God to make me physical beautiful with fairer skin like my sister. So my story is very long to share, ok?

Many people live are ‘Fuck Up’ but this does not give us the excuse not to make this world a better place, ok? This one my teacher told me when I was young and she wanted me to challenge the society no matter how fucked up my life was and still must strive to be a good human being. And now my son really understand why I keep on giving so to me this is the greatest blessing God can give to me. I considered myself a successful mother when I make a lot of money and give it away to support good and worthy causes and my children are proud of me then I have arrived which means I have not wasted my life and I have not failed Almighty God most importantly."

So Evil Zionist Joos you cannot stop me to make this world right because my teacher told us to make this world right, OK? And my mother said that if the world allowed the evil Zionist Joos to steal Palestine, this means Indonesia can claim back Singapore and we cannot do anything about it because it was written in history. You bloody EVIL ZIONIST JOOS you just plucked out from thin air that God had given the land Palestine to the Jews, so say who?

My teacher told us God and Satan were at war in our head. We were at a lost when we heard it because how can God and Satan fighting in our head. Then teacher explained God is a good thought and Satan the evil thought like temptations and greed so on and so fore. She said that if Capitalism is allowed to take over our well-being, then we will lose who we are and why we are here? No wondered they kept deleting David Icke video David Icke, Who Are We & What Are We Doing Here https://www.youtube.com/watch?

I told my teacher all these Religious leaders especially those in the Vatican are high-class beggars! My teacher said, “Sun Wah, you cannot say that outside because people see them as ‘god’!” I said then I don't work and be a monk and I got food to eat but my teacher said cannot because everyone has to work in order to survive. But how come all these religious leaders can survive without working a day just hold the religious books then asked for money?

I told my teacher I will be God to strive for goodness but teacher told me, “Sun Wah, you cannot say you are God but you can say you are the messenger of God.” So after you watch the below video I'm sure you know why I am so passionate to save the world but my fellowmen called me CRAZY to believe I can save the world and for your knowledge while I was typing this thought,


Lightworkers Awakening: (7- Signs You Are A Lightworker)



“...there is power in self-sacrifice.” - Veronica Roth, Divergent

Professor Bennett wanted me to keep walking and he said that the ASEAN House vision is nothing something BIG IS GOING TO HAPPEN!! http://worldharmonyday.com/a-soft-revolution-the-awakening-of-consciousness/ I asked Prof Bennett what is it and he said that he can't see but is going to be big and that I must keep walking to find out.


Palestine DNA In My Blood!

My Journey was never about Palestine


The Greatest SECRET That Will Change Your Life (Listen up)

Published on Jun 11, 2016

(I love this audio) This Speech was from 1956 and still true to this date! I was given this Audio Cassette tape and a simple player by a very Successful man when I first learned about the law of attraction. He told me it made him so successful. I started listening to this tape, and my life begin to change. I listen to it every day, sometime twice a day. Fill this wisdom and knowledge in your mind and let it guide you to success. Don’t forget to Subscribe for more videos like this https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCEQL...

After watching the video I'm sure you know the secret of my success and why I NEVER GIVE UP! Trust me, you need to use your brain unsparingly if you want to stay alive if not you will lose your SOUL!! When I pray to God I only asked for WISDOM AND YOUTH. My goal is to save the world from evil Rotschild Zionism by waking up the MASSES who are still sleeping or don't have the courage to take a stand!!

Well I, Sunflower Chong Sun Wah has been thinking even while I'm sleeping because I will not sit around and allow evil Rothschild Zionism to destroy our world! That is why I am Calling for A SOFT REVOLUTION TO OBSERVE A 2 MIN PEACE SILENCE' to awaken the world. http://worldharmonyday.com/world-harmony-day-20th-february-2017-observe-a-2-minutes-peace-silence/

And, it is time for the bench warmers to get your asses off the bench and out of your comfort zone and save the world for the sake of future generations. If you do not do something, there will be no world left for any one of us.

Sharing My Vision of Architecture

The Evil Zionist Joos deleted my personal blog and I will bring this back in e-book INSTEAD!!

Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2016 08:51:18 +0100 [02/19/2016 03:51:18 PM SGT]
From: olivia@wanadoo.fr France
To: sunflower_chong@thepoisonappleoftheworld.com

Don’t worry Sunny,

They are panicking, overdoing, hoping everyone will be terrorized, but they are also publicizing the BDS campaign and we have lots of ideas to answer their methods, even here in France where they are trying to get more repressive with us, the activists involved in the BDS campaign.

Let’s laugh at them who are so scared and keep on the fight!

Best, Olivia


World Harmony Day Story – Is It A Calling?

“Stretching out to catch the stars, he forgets the flowers at his feet” – Jeremy Bentham

“We live in a world where ambition is equated with courage, strength and determination. Grand dreams have always fired the imagination and driven men and women on a great endeavor. And yet, if a fine line is crossed, we are accused of being naively idealistic, of having our heads in the clouds, of shooting for the moon, and people cease to take us seriously. Such conflicting signals may cause confusion and can certainly make us wary of taking that next step, of reaching out just a little farther to catch the stars. Most of us, perhaps, dream large, but live small. That should not and need not lead to any sense of disappointment or diminish what we do achieve in our ordinary day-to-day existence. In reflecting habitually on the stars that may forever be too far away, we miss out on the tiny successes of each day and the triumphs available to us at ground level.”

It all started from a childhood dream

The ‘Voice’ in my dream said that one day the people would listen to my voice. How bazaar this dream was and it kept occurring in the midst of my solitude and in my loneliness too? The Chinese people believed that dreams were messages from God and I was intrigued to find out why the people would listen to an ordinary girl like me, therefore I have decided to dedicate my life to strive to listen more clearly to this ‘Voice’.

My journey began from the consciousness of my new name Sunflower and the endless voyage that finally brought me to the insight that we need to learn how to share this One World. This means that for Peace and Harmony to prevail we have to work towards bringing to the ‘Collective Consciousness ‘of the Human Race the idea and desire for World Harmony http://worldharmonyday.com/the-conscious-world-will-free-palestine/


“I want to be with Allah, but before I go to be with Him I must first complete my job on Earth.” – Sunflower Chong

Professor Bennett told me My Past Life I was Born A Muslim.

Prof Bennett said that World Harmony seed is sown in my heart. Facebook brother Lodi Frows send me a message on 14/11/16 and I did my last creaming on 17/11/16.

"Sunny you are right only prayers can help us. If we are praying properly we may be in a new ARC of NOAH. God willing."

Calling For A Soft Revolution

CONVERT TO ISLAM - Why did Many Scientists Accept Islam - MUST WATCH

The Elite Don’t Want You To Know: GOD IS REAL – Here’s the Proof



In 1988 when I went to see Professor Bennett I was a destroyed person, whole body in pain besides constant crucial migraine and I cannot think properly. I wondered why I was always thinking nonstop and something very far fetch like saving the world?

When I refused to continue to walk the spiritual journey due to my constant excruciating migraine Professor Bennett said in a fatherly manner and pointed his finger to my chest near my heart and said, "The seed is sown in the heart don't fight it embrace it with acceptance and love because it is your Calling.” Prof Bennett didn’t want me to share with anyone about your dream because he said that people will tear you apart and bring you down and called me crazy. He wanted me to talk to him because he will help me to untie the knots one by one to reach the destination.

Professor Bennett said that the ASEAN House vision was nothing something big will be coming. I asked him what was it and he said that he could not see but that it was going to be big and I got to continue working hard and when the time comes I will know what God really wants me to do.

He wanted me to keep on walking and said that I will see the rainbow one day. My teacher also said the same, Lagi best, she said that by the time you see the rainbow and go get it, it will jump away:( That had been the story of my life from coming out with the vision of the Singapore Art Center, National Library and SMU, ASEAN House to World Harmony Day. I pray this liberation of Palestine will be the real rainbow and will not jump away, BUT WILL BE A REALITY VERY SOON! I'm so excited can't wait for it to happen:)

Sun flower’s Birthday Creaming Speech For Palestine http://thepoisonappleoftheworld.com/sunflowers-birthday-creaming-speech-for-palestine/

I saw Yitshak Rabin

My Greatest Fear…Loss Of Palestine

My Endless Struggle to Uplift World Harmony Day

My dream is not just achieving great architecture to manifest the presence of God but most importantly is to save the world by first saving my own soul and thus the soul of my children. My sincere hope is that they will save the soul of their friends and with the blessing from God we will save the soul of the world. (I'm so happy now because my son is very spiritual and helping his friends to reach their inner happiness:) Almighty God blesses me already even though I am still living from hand to mouth but I have confident I will overcome this setback.

My Vision is to Unite ALL Religions under the Umbrella of UNIVERSAL LOVE

I remembered when I said universal love to my teacher, she said universal love is like the ideology of communism where in the community you care for one another. My teacher did not see communism as evil because she said that communism came from the word community but it was the human that made it evil due to greed. She said that the ideology of communism is great but hard to exercise it because human nature is not that giving and especially with Capitalism replacing God it is even harder to achieve because winner takes all and we will be living in a dog eats dog world just caring for oneself.

I remembered vividly what my teacher said, “Using the communist ideology system with equal pay for everyone and everyone will be happy cannot happen. If the communist ideology of caring and sharing can happen it must be FREE WILL that you are willing to share what you have with others. This means when more people do it then that is how we can reach universal love.

Don’t you agree I had an interesting childhood especially in class talking on adult matters? My teachers were great they were willing to talk to us as equal or like friends do. My teacher always asked me not to talk so much and in my report card it was written too TALKATIVE. I was not only talkative but I like to asked a lot of questions outside of the classroom who is God and especially where is God, so on and so fore.

My Mission is to find the FORMULA or the Platform to make it happened


What we understand from this is that Harmony is so important for us when the world is going through so many changes and due to globalization the world seemed to get smaller and smaller. Thus, we need to understand and define what sort of World we wish to create and it comes down to one word; HARMONY.

World Harmony
Religious Harmony
Racial Harmony
Work Harmony
Family Harmony

Let Me Enhance Worldwide Unity With Share, Care And Love By Understanding People's Needs.

God I am not, but an expression,
And a gift of God.
Saint I am not,
Nor a Saint would I try to be.

An ordinary being I am,
Born with qualities true,
To work for my country's needs,
And the aspirations of its people.

At times I am not what you see or what I am,
With time I hope you will understand me.
Though I like not its sham, drudgery and broken dreams,
This world still is a beauty shining with ‘welcome beams.’

In fact, I am contended and very happy,
I am still alive and free, (escape from my ex-husband from Abu Dhabi)
Especially on my return to Singapore,
Where many duties await me.

My devotion and loyalty are strong and even mighty,
That I may contribute fully to our lost society.
Let us not lose another twenty-five years,
If you can lend me your ears,

My special task is help us to achieve an identity,
To foster the people’s happiness and unity.
This great mission that I shoulder, will it be too big for me I wonder?
Am I ready, to take on such a great responsibility?

To achieve what I feel God wants of me,
The people’s support and understanding I seek.
The only answer to counter I believe,
Is the fostering of Universal LOVE as our Belief?

Religion is pure and good,
If there is only ONE to believe.
It can be mean and nasty,
When different sects contend to lead,

Please listen carefully to me,
Lend me your ears if you are not too busy,
Your full attention I need,
To understand all my yearnings and beliefs.

To reach our goal of unity,
Let’s build with one identity,
Preached goodness, give kindness,
Conducted in fairness, strive for Inner Happiness.

- To grow strong roots of true unity; Act in them is the first necessity - Sunflower 1983

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