RFK Jr: Bill Gates gave dangerous DTP vaccines to African children

2 months ago

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: "In 1979 they brought on a vaccine called the diphtheria tetanus and pertussis vaccine. And that vaccine was very dangerous and it was killing or giving severe brain damage to one in 300 kids and it was pulled in the United States."

"It was pulled in Europe but Bill Gates still gives it a hundred and sixty one million African children every year the same vaccine and to south Asian kids. I'll tell you we now know what that does because the Danish government did the study called Morgensen in 2017 that show that African kids and that's published in a journal called E Biopharma and it was done by the leading deities of African vaccinology, all of them pro-vaccine."

"People like Peter Aaby, whose name is very famous, Sigrid Morgensen and a bunch of others. And they went to Africa and looked at that. They had 30 years of data. And Gates had gone to the Danish government and said, you know, give us money because we've saved millions of lives with this vaccine in Africa."

"And the Danish government said, can you show us the data? He couldn't. So they went to Guinea-Bissau, which is a country in the west of Africa. In Guinea-Bissau, the Danes for 30 years had been paying for these very advanced health clinics, local health clinics all over Guinea-Bissau."

"And the clinics were weighing every child at three months and every child at six months. And in the 80s, they began, or 90s, they began, or the 80s, they began giving the DTP vaccine at the first visit, a three month visit, but if they didn't hit the child exactly, if they didn't have full 90 days of age, if they were 89 days, they wouldn't give it to them, the six month visit."

"As it turns out, they had 30 years of data. where half the kids were vaccinated and half the kids were not between two months and five months of age. So it was a perfect natural experiment. And they went in there and they looked at it."

"They looked at 30 years of data and they found that girls who got that vaccine, the DTP vaccine, were 10 times more likely to die over the next three months than children who did not. They weren't dying of diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis. They were protected against those by the vaccine."

"They were dying of anemia and bilharzia and malaria and pulmonary disease, but mainly they were dying of pneumonia. And what the researchers said is that the vaccine is almost certainly killing more children than diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis prior to the vaccine. because it was protecting them against the target illnesses, but it had ruined their immune systems."

"So they could not defend themselves against these other minor infections. And nobody noticed for 30 years that it was the vaccinated children who were disproportionately dying. And that's the problem with not doing, you know, real placebo-controlled trials. None of the vaccines are ever subjected to true placebo-controlled trials. It's the only medical product that is exempt from that prior to licensure."

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