"Commies Who Died" - parody

3 months ago

(originally published 1/13/20 on YouTube)

Since this song is a VERY unauthorized parody I'm giving it away - to get a copy go to https://hopalongginsberg.bandcamp.com/track/commies-who-died, click on Buy Now, and choose $0. (Bandcamp supports 200 free downloads/month - after that pay whatever you want, from $0.01 up.) Feel free to pass copies around.

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Song copyright 2020 by Hopalong Ginsberg - parody of "People Who Died" by Jim Carroll et al.

Lyrics by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Performed and programmed by Hopalong Ginsberg.

Contact: hopalongginsberg at gmail dot com

Commies Who Died

Lenin kicked the bucket at the age of 54
Might have been a stroke, might have been murdered
Kim was fat when his country was starving
He died young; a heart attack got him
Hugo Chavez rotted out with cancer
He was a commie who died

Those are commies who died, died (x4)
They’re good commies now ‘cause they died

Elena and Nicolae got a Christmas gift
Of lots of hot lead at high speed
Allende was deposed by the CIA
Pinochet took over, so that’s OK
Pinochet asked his commies if they could fly
But the commies couldn’t, and they died


Pol Pot died in a bamboo hut
Didn’t get half of what he should have got
Beria was lucky, survived the purges
Thought he was safe, but Khrushchev got him
Yezhov went to the wall as a traitor
They’re three more commies who died


Che was caught by the Bolivian Army
He died like a bitch, begging for mercy
Stalin died alone, screaming in pain
No-one would help him, they were too afraid
I miss you Stalin, you son-of-a-gun
You killed more commies than anyone!

Chorus x 2

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