Stop to pretend these are vaccine preventable diseases!

1 month ago

(found on Dr. Judy's transcripts: )

Are we the people going to let them play? Are we going to let them inject anything in our children again? Are we going to get these criminal commercials off the TV? Are we going to stop reinventing and ignore 50 years of publications and stop treating the people and pretend somehow these are vaccine preventable diseases, when you injected the disease? They don't jump to species. You're injecting the dogs, you injected the plants, you injected the eggplant, you GMO, you've destroyed the food supply. There's no bird flu. And again, the testing the criminal... if this criminal organization is not stopped, not another shot, EVER.

Judy Mikovits, PhD - 11/05/2024

InfoWars - The Alex Jones Show:

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