You should do the OPPOSITE of what the CDC tells you, says Bret Weinstein, PhD

3 months ago

On Feb 26, 2024, evolutionary biologist, Bret Weinstein, PhD tells Senator Ron Johnson, “They are hiding everything. We are being systematically blinded. “Every single institution dedicated to public truth-seeking is under… attack. They are all in a state of collapse.” “There is a saying in military circles: once is a mistake, twice is a coincidence, three times is enemy action. ”Our research universities spend huge sums of… money to reach preordained conclusions.” “The CDC has become an excellent guide to protecting your health, but only for people who realize you should do the OPPOSITE of whatever [ the CDC ] advices.” “The courts… are now regularly used as a coercive weapon of elites against those who threaten them. “We have literally witnessed the Department of Homeland Security 
attempt to setup a ‘Truth Ministry’ and declare accurate critique of government as a kind of terrorism.” “Those who remain dedicated to the values of the West, must fight this battle courageously, and we MUST WIN. “For if we do not stem the tide, the result will be a Dark Age… “I did not think that I was naive… and then I learned that I had been VERY NAIVE, and I keep learning that lesson. “Each new discovery reveals that I was missing something that was right in front of me. “You can only drive so long after you’ve put on blindfold before you hit a curve. “[That] is certainly NOT a longterm plan 
for our survival.” “We HAVE TO win this battle because the existence of the West… and POSSIBLY 
the existence of our species, depends on it.”

Bret Weinstein, PhD | Senator Ron Johnson’s COVID roundtable discussion | 26 Feb 2024

“Federal Health Agencies and the COVID Cartel: What Are They Hiding?”

The full 4:27 hour roundtable discussion is posted on Senator Ron Johnson's Rumble channel here:

Mirrored - Fat News

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