TGW: X-Men Legends II: Rise Of Apocalypse The Sewers and The Return to New York City.

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In this episode of X-men Legends II, 3 people Rogue, Storm, and Cyclops tag along with Wolverine to travel through the Sewers into New York City to find Sebastian Shaw,, Despite Marrow allowing humans into her Sewers the Morlocks still attack the X-men again, and so they have to defend theirself from them, but then Rogue gets overwhelmed and killed! the team bring her back and they continue on, The team get outnumbered AGAIN! and Cyclops goes down, The 3 attempt fighting it out but Wolverine also goes down!! its up to Rogue and Storm to fight the Morlocks off but then Rogue goes down! Storm tries escaping but gets shot down, The team get revived and continue fighting more of the dreadful Morlocks!!! as the X-men trudge along the Sewers they eventually find the exit to New York, as they come out they then find New York to be made out like it was a bombed War zone, They realize Shaw is a cold blooded bitter enemy of the X-men and that making him talk would be pretty difficult, They then find newer advanced models of the Infinite Soldiers, they manage to successfully defeat them, they find Sebastian Shaw and startle him he threatens the X-men not to move a muscle unless they have a mutant healing ability, The X-men ask if he has any information he can tell them, Shaw scoffs saying they want more information like Angel did, he teases that he was captured by Apocalypse, The X-men ask if he has any information of how to get into Apocalypse's Tower, Shaw asks the team for a favor of grabbing a couple items, Tech Bits, A Holodisk, and His Master Key, The X-men ask where they can get that Tech bit, Shaw says he doesn't know, The X-men ask where they can get the other 2 items, Shaw says the Holodisk is on The West Side Of New York, while the Master Key is on the South Side of New York, then Shaw says once the X-men have the item to meet him back at the mansion, The X-men question how Shaw knew they were at The Mansion, Shaw says It's his Business to know everything, The X-men end the conversation saying they will meet him back at the Mansion. The X-men find a Master Key and head back to the Mansion, Shaw gets disappointed that the X-men hasn't brought the rest of his items back, The X-men trudge along New York City and fight more of Apocalypse's minions, Rogue finds a bunch of Infinite Uniforms, The X-men come across a Scanner and Rogue has an idea that if they can switch into Uniform they can bypass the scanner, The X-men disguise their self and they successfully Bypass the Scanner, Wolverine runs over and finds the HoloDisk he snatches it causing a Guard to catch them he interrogates them on what they doing with a Holodisk, The X-men tell them they are taking it to Apocalypse, The Infinite says that Apocalypse was already informed of the disk and had no interest in it, The X-men nervously reply saying He's changed his mind, The Infinite replies that Apocalypse changing his mind would never happened, they then ask what the X-men are Really Doing there. The X-men reply saying that it is a Surprise Inspection, The Infinite questions asking Why would there be a Surprise Inspection, The X-men reply saying Mr Sinister sent them to monitor the Security cameras, The Infinite says Mr Sinister never done that, he asks for the X-men's Identification Code, The X-men give up and fight the Infinite's, they successfully defeat the Infinite and head over to the next area, but then a bunch of Snipers have implemented into the area, The X-men get outnumbered by more Infinite's, Cyclops and Wolverine are taken out!! Rogue and Storm beat the rest of the outnumbering minions and revive Wolverine and Cyclops, The team head off onto the North Side of New York, The X-men get outnumbered again and Cyclops goes Down!! The X-men head back to camp and give Shaw everything he needed. Shaw tells them the only way to access Apocalypse's tower is through the North Sewers, Shaw says all they have to do is trudge through the North Sewers to reach the Tower, Shaw asks another favor that if they do make it into Apocalypse's tower all they have to do is free The Black Queen, Shaw says she was held prisoner after trying to do a deal with Apocalypse, The X-men agree but Interrogate Shaw as to why he hates the X-men, Shaw asks the same question as many times the X-men have thwarted his plans at Improving the Economy, The X-men interrogate him as how he got the Master Key, Shaw says it's better left unsaid as he got it from Apocalypse's right hand man Mr Sinister, The X-men ask why there is a Secret Door that leads into Apocalypse's Tower, Shaw says Apocalypse was unaware of the door, The X-men in shock ask if Mr Sinister is working behind Apocalypse's back, Shaw basically says yes and That Apocalypse is aware of it, the X-men end the conversation and head back to New York reviving Cyclops again, The X-men trudge along but come across no other than DEADPOOL!! THE MERC WITH THE MOUTH! Dead-pool says the X-men look like a really bad sitcom and that he could probably kill them to boost their ratings up, The X-men ask who deadpool is (pffff) Deadpool says his name is deadpool, he references Bruce banner and a character from The Brady Bunch named Marsha, The X-men respond that Deadpool must not be mentally well, Deadpool says he's fine but The X-men won't be, The X-men accusse Deadpool of Working with Apocalyose, but Deadpool says they were close but Deadpool actually works for Mr Sinister, The X-men ask again if Deadpools ok, Deadpool says that he has the urge to kill them and spit on their grave, The X-men question why Deadpool hates them so much? Deadpool Responds that his Psychopatic urges might be the effect of Mr sinister forcing him to drink a potion, The X-men then connect the dots and say Deadpool is being mind controlled by Mr Sinister, Deadpool sarcastically replies that he doesn't believe them, Deadpool admits that he doesn't care if he's being controlled he still wants to turn the X-men into Sushi, The X-men cheesily reply that Deadpool can fight the mind control and not give into the urge but, Deadpool says that he is really good at killing and ball room dancing he asks the X-men to guess which one he can make a living at, The X-men try again saying he can still fight the urges but, Deadpool refuses again saying he still wants to kill them, The X-men finish the conversation saying they are done with negotiating and ready to fight, Deadpool finishes saying It's beating you up time, he says he needs better catchphrases and the fight begins. The X-men fight off a bunch of minons and then attack Deadpool he teleports, The X-men eventually Successfully defeat Deadpool and head off to the West sewers after fighting more Morlocks they come across the Brutes who wanna hurt them, they fight more off and then find the entrance into Apocalypse's tower, The Team tell Professor Xavier that they got the Entrance to Apocalypse's tower open, Professor Xavier congratulates the team saying they did good but should head back to the mansion and speak with him to discuss a plan to defeat Apocalypse, The Team realize Banshee is still in danger and so they find the Western Sewers and trudge along, after fighting a bunch of bad guys, then they unexpectedly come across Banshee, The X-men then exclaim Banshee's hurt, Banshee agrees and tells the x-men that Apocalypse is throwing a lot of people in prison and using something called "A Brain Trust" to psychically sap his victims will, Banshee says it was so bad he had to use every last bit of his strength to escape, The X-men tell Banshee to head back to the Mansion, Banshee says he left some information on the place as they head off, and so The X-men have a new objective destroying The Brain Trust! Find out in Part 18 if they are Successful ;). X-men legends II X men legends 2 for full High Quality Version

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