Ezra Lesson-12: Dealing with Unfaithfulness - Part II

2 months ago

This Week’s Lesson

We are in Lesson-12 in the series “Rebuilding on the Solid Rock” from the book of Ezra.
This is Volume I of our series: “After the Exile” a study of Ezra-Nehemiah-Esther.
The lesson is titled “Dealing with Unfaithfulness – Part II” and our focus passage is Ezra 10.
Please find your way in your Bible to that passage.

In our previous episode, we began our study of Ezra 9-10, the last two chapters of this book.
And just like Ezra 5-6 and Ezra 7-8, these two chapters form a unified narrative.
After the successful return led by Ezra, he was confronted with a very difficult issue within the Exile community. It was around 4 months since the events chronicled in chapters 7-8.
The exiles had not been faithful to the LORD in following the Torah. This put the community in danger.
The people of Israel, the Levites and the Priests had not kept themselves separate from the “peoples of the lands” and their abominations by intermarriage with non-Israelites.

Ezra was appalled/shattered. Dismayed. Disappointed. But his response was to fast and pray, humbling himself before the LORD.
It is one of the most powerful prayers recorded in Holy Scripture.

What will be the result of Ezra’s time of prayer and fasting? What would he be led to do next?
In today’s lesson we will see the actions Ezra took. How will the people respond? A time of fasting and prayer usually leads to decisive actions.
Let’s get started.

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