Alien Invasion -- The Revealing – December 6, 2024

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The past 6 weeks strange lights and sounds have darting above cites, towns, military bases and countryside worldwide. Suddenly the blogosphere lit up with reports of an Alien Invasion on Dec 3, 2024. Nothing happened; however, the light shows continue… Alien Invasion, hoax, foreign meddling, or are they real??

All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock
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All Bible verses cited from the KJV, NKJV, ESV, and NASB; Pictures from Pixabay, Pinterest, Istock, Shutterstock
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Content Protected by Section 107 of the Copyright Act For research, education, criticism & News
Bible quotes from Eph 5:11, and 2Co 6:17 expose the darkness -know their plans
Quotes from Alice Bailey from online public domain PDF’s: Externalization of the Hierarchy, Alice Bailey, Rays and initiations Alice Bailey, and Alice Bailey, Education in the New Age online public domain PDF.

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