Different Alien Species That We Know Exist | Episode 2 | Astral Legends

3 months ago

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MY PARATHYROID -Learn about Hyperparathyroidism or Hypoparathyroidism

Prepare to embark on episode 2 of a mind-bending journey as we delve into the intriguing world of extraterrestrials that share our milky way galaxy in this beginners overview episode. Over the past 50 years, an array of astonishing revelations has emerged, shedding light on various alien species that have made contact with Earth from our galaxy and beyond.

UFO Released Files: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/searc...

Elena Danaan - Gift From The Stars: Alien Races

https://www.nasa.gov/sites/default/fi... Archaeology_Anthropology_and_Interstellar_Communication_TAGGED.pdf

Remote sessions compiled by LR

Alex Collier, Defending Sacred Ground, 1997

Adapted from D'Oreal of Emerald Tablets, 1930

Precipice of Evolution 1843

-UFO, Ancient Texts such As Egyptian Book of Dead & Ancient Civilizations Communities

-Elena Danaan, Bashar, Dolores Cannon, Billy Carson, Bob Lazar, Steve Greer, Graham Hancock, Akashic Records & Much More.

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For researchers and enthusiasts looking to find specific references mentioning these the historical and science resources please refer to the Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), and the Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary (PSD) are invaluable. These databases offer transliterations, translations, and discussions of thousands of Sumerian texts, providing a searchable resource for specific terms and their occurrences.

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