Ward Dean MD | $$$ Why does NBMI ( Emeramide / OSR ) cost so much $$$

3 months ago

What is NBMI (also called OSR, BDTH2, Irminix and Emeramide)?
NBMI is a chemical discovered by Boyd Haley to be an excellent chelator of some heavy metals including Mercury (Hg), Arsenic (As), Lead (Pb), Cadmium (Cd), Uranium (U), Thallium (Th), free radicals, free Iron (Fe) & Copper (Cu) and renders them permanently harmless.

What is thiol sensitivity?
Thiol plays a role in detoxification, specifically mercury. Thiol sensitivity stems from excess sulfur in the body due to problems utilizing and converting that sulfur to sulfate. Molybdenum is an essential trace element needed for sulfur and sulfite metabolism. The sulfite enzyme breaks down sulfites into less problematic sulfates. Molybdenum is required as a cofactor for this biochemical reaction.


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