Happy Birthday Ophiuchus meet your Animal Spirit Guide, Ophiuchus the Ancient One.

1 month ago

Spiritdancer ‪@celticthistlepsychics2312‬ brings a new message as the Ophiuchus Oracle, with our new guide from the centre of the galaxy and oracle messages for this Ophiuchus Birthday. This ancient zodiac sign is making a big come back. Working with the new Spiritdancer Oracle message cards and the new AI designed images for the deck Spiritdancer is using the text to speech function due to illness. Celtic Thistle Psychics on FB will soon change from private group to public, watch this space for more news on that and another of our upcoming psychic live nights.
Check out Dr Dani's site and the FB page for more info on the 13 signs and the true sky.
/ fellowship13signs
Get your Ophiuchus placement in your chart at https://www.drdani.com/freechart

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