Canada's Religious Rights Attacked by Bloc - Marilene Gill

3 months ago

Is this the reason gov't allowing terrorist org. to protest (most non-canadian actors, foreign students & terrorists gov't let in) & become national remove religious rights along with free expression rights under guise of public safety? This is to allow government to infringe on religious rights because they let the radicals in specifically for this reason. God (notice no specifically named God, just meaning higher power than man) in our Charter is inserted intentionally to limit the government. They want to remove religion so they can be the gifters of your rights. Everything Libs do (or don't do) is for the purpose of control & the Bloc are helping. This is from Parliament Dec. 6, 2024 Question Period. I question the motives, actions/non-actions of gov't thus far & solution presented. I am interested in your interpretation. Freedom includes the freedom to your opinion & hate who you choose. On that note, the Constitution is an individual's right for Canadians, not for global/foreigner use. It is to protect Canadians not to insert foreign opinions. ALL Canadian's, regardless of religion are free to express their religious views. The violent protests by Islamist extremist are not a religious view, it is a racial attack. There is a big difference from religious speech, freedom of choice & calling for Racial Genocide & National Genocide ("Death to Canada"), especially against Canada. Deport anyone who incite violence against Canadians...they shouldn't be here if immigration worked. No country is required to let people in who hate everything the country stands for &, really, is an act of Treason towards Canadians to let people in who want to harm us & our country.

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