[Geneva Bible Edition] 1560 Geneva Bible: Exodus 39

3 months ago

In this chapter, we hear more descriptions of how YHWH wants His priests to be dressed and adorned. The details of the breastplate, in which all of the names of the tribes of the Children of Israel are to be inscribed, and other important details, are enumerated. We compare texts and find that once again, the later English fails to distinguish between important shades of meaning: "service" as if to a cause, becomes the more theological "minister". The two versions of a word for "work" in Hebrew -- one of which means "worship" as well, are listed in the RSV so it sounds as if all YHWH wants from humans is their brute labor. And the affirmative of how happy YHWH is when humans align with HIs will -- "ken asu!" "Yes, they did it!" -- is lost altogether in the modern translation of the RSV. We return to the question of whether YHWH is giving humans, in these chapters, a technology of some kind assisting communication with the Divine -- as well as a set of instructions for adornment.

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