3 months ago


Last week I made several posts on cancer, 1 on fenbendazole-an anti parasitic drug,
another on Ivermectin an anti parasitic drug-because I saw many people saying it worked for cancer, but i was aware of its antfertility effects in studies. And Finially a S African Dr who discovered a parasite and breast cancer link.
Someone commented that cancer was parasites, i said i think its many things, chemicals, raidiation, lifestyle, diet, poisons etc, she agreed.
Im starting to thing she was right the 1st time.
I saw another Dr today suggest it was parasites.
So i looked do parasite live in asbestos, does monsantos roundup hava a parasite connection. does hodgkins disease aka lymphomia (killed my dad) have a parasite connestion, it took a bit of digging, but the anwser is yes, they all do have a parasite connection.
The connection came after defining what a parasite was, while i knew the technical definiton, i still considered them to be worms, but technically they include bacteria, fungas, viruses-which i dont believe are real,**, but there is also Intracellular parasites, are a microparasites that are capable of growing and reproducing inside the cells of a host.
I was also going to do a cancer post on the Royal Rife Machines-which main stream "science" has dismissed for quakery by the AMA, a term they have used again and again to supress cures.
What i didnt know, was he also made microscopes. Today the best optical microscopes are 2000x, i just looked at a Wired article saying this new amazing microsope "This Microscope Shows the Quantum World in Crazy Detail" then they provided a bunch of CGI pics, all my training from NASA has paid off, finally.
Also the "quantum world" is not a thing, also both quantum mechanics and quantum THEROY, are THEROIES.
his microscopes in 1933 could see 60,000x w/ 18,000k resolution did time lapse photgraphy or films. wiki...
"A distinctive feature of the microscopes, according to Rife and to other scientists who examined them, was a false-colour effect by which, when a microbe was illuminated by a particular wavelength of polarised monochromatic light, different for each type of microbe, the microbe and only the microbe would emit a distinctive colour of light (turquoise for typhoid bacteria, ruby red for Mycobacterium leprae, etc.), thus taking the place of staining and allowing otherwise difficult organisms to be plainly seen.
Also they transmitted and monochromatic beam dark-field, polarized, and slit-ultra illumination, including also a special device for crystallography.
Newpapers from the time discuss cancer parasite visable.
His labs were burn down, he was labeled a quack by the AMA, despite almost 100yrs of people saying its sured their cancers, they claim there is no evidence.
he died pennyless.

TODAY we have nothing near this. I have heard before of people contating companies about buying a dark field microscope, and were told they could make them if they got 50 of them, at several 1000's each. Last i heard they were trying to get the money together, this was to research the covid vax, and those injured by it.

So, fungas grows in asbestos, Monsanto-literally the most evil company ever, now owned by Bayer-also with a long evil history....

"We demonstrated a negative effect of glyphosate on soil fungal biomass at high doses and an early and transitory stimulatory effect on soil fungal biomass"

so it kills fungas and stimulates it just as diffrent times.
another study says

"... encourages the growth of toxic fungi that devastate wheat fields....further studies confirm that the herbicide, glyphosate, increases the risk of fungal infectionss...."

"Recently Kofoid1 has called attention to the frequency of intestinal parasites in patients with Hodgkin's disease"

during my supressed cancer cure posts, one person commented those in the lyme disease community know this already, few have been to drs w/o their hands tied.
i asked if that was due to it being a bioweapon, he said yes.

so i decided to look, its transmitted by a tick (parasite) that infects your blood w/ another.

a study...
"recent research has shed light on an intriguing correlation between the disease and coexisting parasites. Studies have shown that individuals infected with Lyme disease often harbor other parasitic organisms alongside the bacteria"

**see Dr Sam Bailey for evidence the "science" was at best incorrectly done, but been widely accepted as fact, so we have 250yrs of "science" bult on a false foundation thanks to Louis Pasteur.
wikedepia says, he was a French chemist, pharmacist, and microbiologist renowned for his discoveries of the principles of vaccination, microbial fermentation, and pasteurization.
Im pretty sure he did massive damage to billions of people based on his "science".
One thing school doesnt teach us, one of millions of things, is opposing views, they present information to us as fact, when its not, for example there is germ THEORY (viruses) vs terian THEORY or terrian vs pathogen (the condition of your body).
wiki also says, It is said that on his death bed, Pasteur stated 'Bernard was right: the pathogen is nothing, the terrain is everything'. true or not, i think thats correct.

side note, raw aka unpasturized milk, is way better for you. it heals your gut bacteria, if you eat processed foods-almost anything today-you grow the wrong type of bacteria, if you then switch to healthy foods, the wrong bateria you have cultivated will actually produce toxins from the food.
Pasturized milk, does not have this property. your "immune system" is your gut biome.
They openly say we need to lower the population, so why would you think the fight agaist raw milk is to protect people. EVERYTHING they do is to make us less safe.

then I Saw this doc, its free, and they tell you how to cure yourself naturally

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