Warning Vision 9-15-24 I was shown Mega Wave and Audibly Heard "Poseidon"

1 month ago

Warning Vision 9-15-24 I was shown Mega Wave and Audibly Heard "Poseidon"

As always I am given various views, subjective and objective views(It has always been this way concerning what the Lord shows me)
It was a Coastline of Condos, Luxury Apartments, as well as hotels with Blue water and white sands Where, I am not sure.  

I was first taken up from above this tall Condo, at least 30 stories minimum.
I could see people on the beach, walking, some laying down, just hanging out.
I was shown a Massive wave that rose up Very high, it had no white cap, just a blue wall that looked like a hill.

Then I was taken into one of the Condos, a person was in the bed, and had suddenly jumped up, and Looked outside, the entire wall was all Glass. 
Next scene, I was then shown the same wave from inside this same condo with this person.
This room was at least 23-25 stories up.(I believe this was for clarity on the height of this Wave. Keep in mind, the Wave showed NO WHITE CAP yet.

As the person looked on, I was looking on in the same Room, I could feel the horror and Hopeless moment of this individual, then There was a Loud Crash and the Room was Instantly filled with water(Even that high up)

I was then in another scene, as in another Condo or hotel, where the water was coming up and the person had moments to take a breath, and they held it as long as they could, but again, I felt their life leave.
As I was experiencing some of what the people around were experiencing; yet I realized I could breath.  I was still shown everything, the thrashing, crashing, breaking as well as the feeling of life Leaving by loss of Breath!
Then I audible heard "POSEIDON"

I Awoke.

Grace Note: I will record a Short video when the Lord Permits..
I was surprised to find that there is a Weapon by this name that is known to cause a Tsunami.  I will research further.

The Preaching of the Kingdom of God, Will Not be Stopped, It is an INEVITABILITY!

🌟🌟Apostle & Seer Shawntrell Martin 🌟🌟
"I Prophesy to the Perplexities and Give the Practicalities!"
"Ministering from The Finished Works" of The Lord
"A Voice of The Irrefutable Word of God"

Preaching The Gospel of GOD.. and of GRACE

The Great Commission: Until the return of Christ, it is the Ambassadors of Christ's duty and privilege to seek the fulfillment of Christ's Great Commission and to minister in His name to a needy world. We are to be instruments of Jesus Christ as the Holy Spirit Ministers Redemption and Reconciliation in the world. (Matthew 25:31-46; 28:18-20)

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I will Not Water Down, Tickle Ears, Flatter with Falsity nor Shrink back in Fear! The Word of The Lord is What it Is.. and when He Moves.. I Move.. Just Like That!!

Beloved Keep The Faith... We were sent into "The Fire".. that is "The World", but Lo The Lord is in the Fire with Us and We shall Not be Consumed!
For those who chose to serve the no-gods of baal, When you, Receive The Recompense of Your own error and then Cry Out.. remember baal don't Answer.. so Be Sure You Serve THE ONLY and LIVING GOD!

The Lion has Roared..Who can But Fear?...
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Apostle & Seer Shawntrell Martin
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2 Corinthians 5:20(KJV)
20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ's stead, be ye reconciled to God.

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