The Clowns At The Lincoln Project Are Now Putting Together Ads To Smear Trump's Nominees

3 months ago

Posted • December 6, 2024: Washington Post Lets Us Know That Bronze Stars Like Pete Hegseth Earned Are Common — I'm really having trouble with these Republican senators who are playing around with Pete Hegseth's confirmation to be the Trump administration's Defense Secretary. As I reported earlier, Sen. Joni Ernst seems to have made sinking Hegseth's confirmation a personal goal. She met with Hegseth yesterday and had a long discussion with him, and then ran to Fox News to tell us all that she's not convinced. It was obvious that the Democrats and the legacy media would do their best to derail all of President-elect Donald Trump's cabinet appointees. As Curtis Houck of NewsBusters demonstrated, CNN spent their entire day talking about the Washington Post's anonymously sourced story about his alleged drinking problem. I guess they've settled on that instead of the sexual assault investigation (that led to no charges) and his white supremacist tattoos.

There are those who say Hegseth isn't qualified, and they're the same people who confirmed Lloyd Austin with 93 votes. (Austin then went missing for three days without telling anyone where he was while the world was in flames.) Supporters point to Hegseth's 20 years of military service and his two bronze stars, but now the Washington Post is trying to devalue those. I didn't see that coming, but the mainstream media is relentless. -- Post Politics @postpolitics: “Bronze Stars, like those Hegseth earned, are common among military officers” -- Do you have one? So they are going after the military service now I guess. There were exactly zero editors at Washington Post there to say "Official Police report okay. Let's look into that. Let's maybe not attack him as a decorated veteran." Hey, I’m in the military. Where do I go to get one of these “common” bronze stars, eh? Interesting attack strategy by the libs.

Also Media: Tim Walz is a national hero, he has an ARCOM! Absolute clowns. Tim Walz claimed to have served in combat in Iraq and/or Afghanistan. I'm sure WaPo wrote a similar article about another Bronze Star recipient named Beau Biden. You are encouraging sympathy for him at this point. It's funny that you don't perceive this. You are a complete piece of shit of a paper. Which Democrat called the editors at the Post and gave them the idea for this story? They certainly didn't think of it on their own. Even the clowns at The Lincoln Project, which lost its battle to keep Trump from reelection, is now putting together ads to smear Trump's nominees. -- The Lincoln Project @ProjectLincoln: “The Secretary of Defense is too important a job for someone with Pete Hegseth’s sick personality, lack of experience and zero qualifications. He’s a danger to the nation.” -- A denouncement from the Lincoln Project is an endorsement.

How common? Like, what percentage of military officers receive one or more? If that was in the article I must’ve missed it. So common that neither one of the Vindman brothers have one… How many people in the Senate have Bronze Stars? So nobody at WaPo was like, "Maybe we shouldn't marginalize military accomplishments?" Nope, we'll just diminish the achievements of every member of the military with a bronze star just to try to sink Hegseth's confirmation.

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