What You Avoid Controls You (Fight the Power)

1 month ago

Jun 30, 2014
UPDATE: July 17, 2014~Empirical Puzzle~

The United States Constitution was converted into a (Trust) and the legal definition of a Trust is: "A legal obligation With respect to property given by one person (donor), to another (trustee), to the advantage of a beneficiary (American)." the property in this Trust includes all land, Your personal possessions that you belive you own and Your physical body. The donor of the Trust is King (Queen) of England and the Holy Roman Church. the Trustee's are all federal and state Public officials, which means that they truly are Agents of a Foreign Power; the Queen and the Vatican. See Article: Take A Stand...Its Your Land.

IMPORTANT Update July 8, 2014: I am being prevented from telling you this, as all accounts (youtube/website) are being interrupted.

You Must NOT declare a Nationality, nor align yourSELF with ANY Nation/State or Governmental Body. Those that are attempting to convince you to do so, are working on behalf of governments. They (Nations/States) need this game to continue, and for it to continue you have to be apart of something they can declare War against. Read what was done to the different "Indian" Tribes. (Please read the comment section at Six Nations to learn what is happening in Latin America. Same game.)

However, if you are SELF, you are not under anyones jurisdiction, and you have not waived your inalienable rights. So there is no one (Person/Nation) acting on your behalf.

Even those which claim to be American Indian (Autochthon American), if their "Nation" is recognized by the U.S. Federal Government they are under its jurisdiction. So you must simply claim (declare) SELF; as The True Divine Sovereign Crown, and thus Stateless (Non-person, Non-Corporate Fiction).

You can have a community, but a community of individuals; not acting as a "Nation".

They are the controllers, or so they want you to believe, but you have all the power within you to control your destiny, you must know this.

An Heir to the Throne:

Six Nations: (Joint House Resolution 331 (100 Congress)

Take A Stand-Its Your Land

Secret Socieites Biggest Fear: The Meta Gene

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