The Law Library, The Mural, The Game of Chess

2 months ago

Its called Alchemy...their hold over you. They are using Occult Sciences and Black Magick.

CREATE your own Murals, Laws (spells) i.e. Magick. Speak it! Spit it!
Rhythm and Rhyme it. And know Your Will, WILL BE DONE!

Black Magick means only YOU. This is how their Whole system functions, off the blood, sweat and TEARS from You. What they do in secrecy, you must bring to light. Your silence is your consent.

Trust YourSELF, See What Is Hidden In Plain Sight, and you would no longer need to listen to these "conscious" impostors because you will know the Truth of Your Soul.

Your Higher Self (inner you) is Guiding You!

But first you simply got to LOOK!

*Poem is "IF" by Rudyard Kipling
*Wu-tang Clan - Da Mystery of Chessboxin'

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