B568 – Nov 24, 2024 Battling Confusion F

1 month ago

In this Bible Study we continue the topic of Bad Theology in the Body of Yeshua that leads believers today, into confusion and anxiety in their lives.

Yehovah is not the author of confusion and leaders that teach their followers that confusion about God is acceptable and normal, are giving them bad instruction that will cause them to have weak faith, and have trouble trusting Yehovah.

The Bible teaches a Great end time Tribulation period that lasts 3.5 years and will cause great stress and concern among those who do not read and understand Bible Prophecy.

The Bible does not teach any seven-year tribulation period that corresponds with the seven year covenant that Israel signs with the Man of Sin. People who follow Yeshua and who subscribe to the Pre-Tribulation Rapture theory, need there to be a seven year period that matches the last week of years, in the Book of Daniel. The Tribulation prophesied by Yeshua began at Pentecost, when Peter and John were jailed for preaching Yeshua and His Resurrection at the Temple in Jerusalem.

The Bible tells us that the New Jerusalem that comes down from heaven after the 1000 year Sabbath Kingdom of Yeshua on the Earth, is the Bride that will be presented to Him at the wedding feast, when all sin has been removed from the Earth.

Trust in Yehovah with all of your heart and do not trust in your own abilities. Cry out to Yeshua and accept His free gift of redemption for your life and be filled with the Holy Spirit of Yehovah. Trust in the Plan that will never fail!

PDF Outline for B568: http://gofile.me/5EF9u/9yYV80932 (BFGC)

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Make Disciples for Yeshua the Anointed One
Sanctify the Name of Yehovah the Father in all the World

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