The Cherry Tree Carol / Christmas Folk Ballad / Acoustic Fingerpicking Guitar

1 month ago

The Cherry Tree Carol is a wonderful Christmas Carol. Mary and Joseph were out walking one day and she told him that she was with child and would he mind gathering her some cherry`s because they are good for the baby. But Joseph and Mary had not yet had relations yet so Joseph got angry and told her to `let the child of the baby gather cherry`s for thee`. Then baby Jesus from within Mary`s womb commanded the cherry tree`s to bend their branches low so Mary could pick them herself. They then got married and lived happily ever after and they had a child named Jesus who was the savior of the world.

The Cherry Tree Carol - lyrics
Fingerpicking guitar with vocal

When Joseph was an old man, an old man was he
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee
He courted Virgin Mary, the Queen of Galilee

Then Mary and Joseph walked through an orchid green
There were apples and cherries as thick as might be seen
There were apples and cherries as thick as might be seen

Then Mary spoke to Joseph, so meek and so mild
"Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child"
"Joseph, gather me some cherries for I am with child"

But Joseph flew in anger, in anger flew he
Let the father of the baby gather cherries for thee
Let the father of the baby gather cherries for thee

Then up spoke Baby Jesus from in Mary's womb
"bow down the tallest branch till, it touched Marys hand.
"bow down the tallest branch till, it touched Marys hand.

So bent down tallest branch till it touched Mary's hand
Cried she, "Oh look, thou Joseph, I have cherries by command"
Cried she, "Oh look, thou Joseph, I have cherries by command"


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