The Tree of Life

2 months ago

The chaotic, violent world around you can be explained by two special symbolic trees. Understand the two trees, and you will understand everything about your purpose, mind, and life. Learn how to make the right choice between these two trees—how to choose the tree of life.



What is the cause of world problems? Why can’t mankind find the way to world peace? Request our free booklet Mystery of the Two Trees to learn how human civilization has advanced to the chaotic present. Human societies trace back to two special symbolic trees representing two opposing ways of life. The first man and woman made the wrong choice on behalf of all mankind, and human beings have suffered the consequences ever since!

Study Mystery of the Two Trees to understand the staggering difference between God’s way of life and Satan’s way of death. With each decision every day, you choose either the tree of life or the tree of death. Either blessings or curses will result. What subject could be more important than the two trees?

Also request Gerald Flurry’s free booklet The Epistles [Eh-PIH-suls] of Peter—A Living Hope. Peter wrote his biblical account under intense persecution, just before being crucified. Jerusalem would soon be brutally conquered and captured by the Romans. Yet, Peter was overwhelmingly positive! God gave Peter hope and vision because Peter chose to live a certain way—a way of obedience to God that leads to abundant blessings. Peter ate from the tree of life and became spiritually healthy and robust. Study his example so you can do the same.

You will also receive a copy of our free booklets Human Nature: What Is It? and What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind. Humans are capable of awesome progress and also appalling evil. Why the disturbing paradox? Prove that God has placed within humans a spirit component that empowers the brain to be vastly superior to the animals. Capable of special mind power, we can design, plan, build, and create spectacular inventions.

But grave evil lurks. You can never trust a man apart from God—not even yourself. You can only trust a man who follows God. This is the core lesson of 6,000 years of human history. You must prove where God is working and the man He is using in this end time. You must choose the tree of life.

All our literature is available free of charge, at no cost or obligation to you. Request Mystery of the Two Trees, The Epistles [Eh-PIH-suls] of Peter—A Living Hope, Human Nature: What Is It? and What Science Can’t Discover About the Human Mind. Order now!

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