Uncontrollable Urge ~ DEVO

3 months ago

🚨 GFD Aviation - CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER ‼️- Must Shoot Down Any Modified UN 🇺🇳 BLUE AND WHITE LEAT JETS WITH WEAPONS PODS, RACKS, or HANGING A TORPEDO - These are an unconventional Default Air Force.

See List If You Want To Save Lives.
German Arms Dealer
Running Fly Over Tests Above Shasta Dam

Aviation Safety Networkhttps://aviation-safety.net › operatorsGFD Aviation - Operator index



Target 🎯 Simulations GFD GmbH - Aerial target simulation

Mount Shasta Threat Assessment:

Based on this Must See Video of Type of planes ✈️, modified Lear Jets ( blue & white: United Nations 🇺🇳 colors )

German Aviation Company Plane ( reportedly ) working with guided missile/ bomb 💣 munitions …. WWll Payback?!?!

Precedent : WWll Dam 🦫 Busters .

1.) https://youtu.be/4CcrpAQL3jE?si=AoWRC7vvosSUp1ba

2.) https://youtu.be/aHGgXi4Kwqw?si=xanw6Izis6IBSGQO

3.) https://youtu.be/E1DCxpMz8aU?si=-TO8So9NscR59kBG


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