022 080's Commercials Volume 018

3 months ago

These commercials aired on local ABC affiliate KNTV 11 on the afternoon of September 29th, 1987. These are the sort of daytime TV, infomercially ads that usually make me want to slit my wrists, but they're from the 80's, so I automatically love all of them.

1. News Break (San Francisco Giants get first place in NL West)
2. 976 HITS (The answer is Bon Jovi, obviously)
3. Calico Kate's Restaurant
4. Bay Valley Tech (That jingle is amazing)
5. Nutri System
6. Electric Mobility Scooters (That old guy going up the curb is my hero)
7. Promo for "Cheers"
8. U.S. Savings Bonds
9. Northern California AIDS Hotline
10. Superior Training Services
11. Contour Chair Lounge (With Art Linkletter! The VCR guy is incredible!)
12. Northern California AIDS Hotline (With Ron Reagan)
13. Remnant World Discount Carpets (Remnant World sounds more like a future dystopian outpost in a Kurt Russel/John Carpenter movie than a carpet store)
14. News Break
15. Padway & Padway Lawyers
16. Furnishings 2000
17. Diet Pepsi (Awesome!)
18. The Spirit Of San Jose (Featuring footage of Pope John Paul II's visit to California)
19. Lovestars (The voices saying "Stars, Stars" really creep me out)

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