South Korea’s Crisis Could Mark the End of the Beginning of “World War Xi”

2 months ago

12/05/2024 Frank Gaffney @frankgaffney :South Korea’s crisis could mark the end of the beginning of what I call “World War Xi”. Add into the political vortex, the heightened readiness of the North Koreans to invade South Korea and the transfer of our stocks of anti-personnel mines designed to deter such an attack, you have the prospects for a truly catastrophic conflagration on the Korean Peninsula.
#SouthKorea #NorthKorea #CCP #XiJinping #YoonSukYeol #KoreanPeninsula #GeopoliticalTensions
12/05/2024 弗兰克·加夫尼:韩国陷入危机可能标志着我所说的“习近平世界大战”初始阶段的结束。除了韩国国内的政治漩涡,朝鲜入侵韩国的准备态势提高,以及我们为了阻止此类攻击的反步兵地雷库存也被转移,朝鲜半岛可能会爆发一场真正灾难性的大规模冲突。
#韩国 #北朝鲜 #中共 #习近平 #尹锡悦 #朝鲜半岛 #地缘政治紧张局势

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