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COVID-19 Hysteria: Excess Deaths
COVID-19 Hysteria: Excess Deaths
This will be one in a (hopefully) many part series, informing you about the evil restrictions some pols engaged in back in 2021 & 2022. Could not find this anymore, but some of it is in the video clip
Here’s some of the data I compiled (final two links if you want to read an archived version. I do NOT know how to use italics or emphasis in a Rumble description, so you may want to check that):
[quote] Speaking of those updates at the bottom of that page, in my last update Italy (this was 5 days later than the U.S. data) had a death rate of >120 per 100,000 & these United States was just a shade below 100 per 100,000. Keep that in mind when you read this.
Remember that creep Dr. Zeke Emanuel? I'll refresh your memory:
"We cannot return to normal until there's a vaccine. Conferences, concerts, sporting events, religious services, dinner in a restaurant, none of that will resume until we find a vaccine, a treatment, or a cure... We need to prepare ourselves for this to last 18 months or so and for the toll that it will take. We need to develop a long-term solution based on those facts. It has to account for what we are losing while this fight goes on, things like schooling and income and contact with our friends and extended family."
He wanted you to go for 18 months without "schooling and income and contact with [your] friends and extended family."
Dr. Emanuel is advising Joe Biden on the virus. If you're curious about what he would advise Joe to do, here's what he said back when he thought Italy had "crushed the curve" (with thanks to Alex Berenson):
"One of the important things for all your readers to look at is Italy. Italy did a nationwide lockdown.... We’ve never gotten as low as Italy is today.... We needed that kind of process nationwide, and we did not have that. So that’s one thing: a nationwide lockdown that lasts 8 weeks until we have a number of new cases in the 2 to 3 per 100,000 level."
He said this in September. Italy just reported 217 deaths from the virus yesterday, which is the equivalent of 1200 deaths in the U.S. Gee, Dr. Emanuel, it looks like locking people in their houses only delays the inevitable -- as everyone at the time tried to tell you.
Meanwhile, let's check in with Sweden, which never locked down and where almost nobody wears masks. Here's Sweden versus Illinois, which is going into another lockdown: Here's Sweden against several other European countries: And here's Sweden against still other countries:
Well, how about that! So lockdowns don't even work -- except to suck the joy out of life; decimate people's savings; ruin their livelihoods; delay necessary health procedures; disrupt supply chains, thereby threatening famine; cause 2 million excess deaths from TB, HIV, and malaria; and lead to depression and despair. [end quote]
[quote] For what it’s worth, every survey I have seen (even though the sample size is usually not very large) it is glaringly obvious that the plandemic lockdowns made the American psyche much worse, not better.
Continuing w/ our theme of the lockdowns damaging younger generations:
Many of the poor, middle class & upper middle class “Joe Six Packs” that were crushed under plandemic lockdowns were folks that were not elderly, but they were not spared.
Federal authorities have yet to respond to an Epoch Times analysis that shows a dramatic increase in deaths of 18- to 49-year-olds in the United States in the past year. The majority of those deaths weren’t associated with the COVID-19 disease.
Deaths in this age group rose more than 40 percent in the 12 months ending October 2021 compared to the same period in 2018–2019, before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to the analysis of death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). About 42 percent of the excess deaths had COVID-19 marked on the death certificate as the cause or a contributing factor, the data showed…
The highest increases occurred in Nevada (up 65 percent, of which 36 percent was attributed to COVID), Texas (up 61 percent, 58 percent attributed to COVID-19), Arizona (up 57 percent, 37 percent COVID-19), Tennessee (up 57 percent, 33 percent COVID-19), and California (up 55 percent, 42 percent COVID-19)…
Drug overdoses could likely explain at least a part of the surge, as they increased to more than 101,000 in the 12 months ending June 2021 from about 72,000 in 2019, the CDC estimated. About two-thirds of those deaths involved synthetic opioids such as fentanyl that are often smuggled to the United States from China via Mexico…
The CDC’s detailed cause of death data isn’t yet available for 2021, aside from those involving COVID-19, pneumonia, and influenza. There were close to 6,000 excess pneumonia deaths that didn’t involve COVID-19 in the 18-to-49 age group in the 12 months ending October 2021. Influenza was only involved in 50 deaths in this age group, down from 550 in the same period pre-pandemic. The flu death count didn’t exclude those that also involved COVID-19 or pneumonia, the CDC noted…
Comparing 2020 to 2019, mortality increased some 24 percent for those aged 18 to 49, with less than a third of those excess deaths involving COVID-19… For those under 18, mortality decreased about 0.4 percent in 2020 compared to 2019. In the 12 months ending October 2021, it fell some 3.3 percent compared to the same period in 2018–2019.
Tallying the data for the LOCKDOWNS & the NON-LOCKDOWNS (The infographic had no data for Washington D.C.) NY, NJ, CT, MA, RI = 19.2% & the NON-LOCKDOWNS (IA, ND, SD, UT, WY, NE, AR = 32.4% – See here for lots of data on those & why I use those monikers) shows me that just because you avoided the plandemic lockdowns doesn’t mean your excess deaths were lower. Scroll up where Tom Woods was looking at excess deaths data for Sweden & the U.S.
California had a much worse lockdown than Nevada, yet Nevada fared worse. FL had a relatively short lockdown yet did worse than CA & NY. NM had one of the most stringent, longest lockdowns & they did very poorly. [end quote]
Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota & Wyoming never had a shelter-in-place or stay-at-home order & did markedly better than many states that engaged in lockdown mania. Remember, this is just excess deaths in the 18-49 age group.
[quote] More bad news folks, but the good news is in November we as voters can do some much-needed house cleaning:
The increase in deaths not attributed to COVID-19 in the working-age population during the summer and into the fall of last year affected white-collar workers more than blue- and grey-collar employees, according to life insurance data.
In the white-collar sector, mortality jumped 24 percent in the period covered by the data (April 2020–September 2021); less than 64 percent of those were attributed to COVID-19. Among blue-collar workers, mortality rose 19 percent, of which over 80 percent was attributed to COVID-19.
As The Epoch Times previously reported, prime-age mortality was particularly elevated in the 12 months ending in October 2021, where there was an excess death spike of more than 40 percent in ages 18–49, compared with the same period in 2018–2019, based on death certificate data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The majority of the excess deaths weren’t attributed to COVID-19.
A recent study by the Society of Actuaries, an international professional organization, corroborates the CDC data. It relies on a survey of group term life insurance providers that yielded data on claims made from 2017 to 2021 and reported to insurers by Sept. 30, 2021 (pdf).
The life insurance data show an increase in excess mortality since the second quarter of 2020, along with the COVID-19 pandemic, including a particularly sharp increase in the third quarter of 2021—39 percent above what would have been expected based on 2017–2019 data. That quarter was exceptionally devastating for age groups 25–34, 35–44, 45–54, and 55–64, in which mortality soared 81 percent, 117 percent, 108 percent, and 70 percent, respectively, above the baseline.
Deaths attributed to COVID-19 accounted for about three-quarters of the excess mortality during the 18 months reviewed in the study. But among those under the age of 45, COVID-19 accounted for less than 38 percent of the excess deaths, the study says.
Among industries with the largest number of COVID-19 deaths, the worst hit was public administration with nearly 13,000 life insurance claims related to the disease. Yet those only accounted for less than 52 percent of the sector’s excess mortality.
Several other white-collar industries also experienced high excess mortality—22 percent in both doctors’ offices and educational services. COVID-19 claims accounted for nearly 80 percent and 70 percent, respectively, of the spike.
By contrast, in heavy and steel manufacturing mortality rose by 9 percent, with COVID-19 more than accounting for the entire spike. In fact, non-COVID-19 mortality dropped by a few percent in this sector.
The insurance data aren’t directly comparable to the CDC data because the population covered by group life insurance policies differs from the general population. Since the policies are commonly offered by employers, the overall population weighs disproportionately toward working-age adults. The study didn’t go into detail on non-COVID-19 causes of the excess deaths.
More data from Thomas E. Woods on excess mortality during the era of COVID-19 https:/ :
There are some numbers going around that the Faucis are going to want to ignore or explain away.
The excess death numbers among age groups less vulnerable to bad Covid outcomes are quite striking. It wasn't Covid that killed these people. It was the alleged mitigation measures that did it.
These two charts tell the story (the source for the top one is page 23 of the Society of Actuaries Research Institute report):
[NOTE: This data indicates massive spikes in excess mortality in Q3 & Q4 of 2021 for the following age groups: 25-34, 35-44 & 45-54 – age groups (especially the first 2) that are in the lower echelons concerning danger from COVID-19. In addition, the spikes in those quarters were on average higher than the Q2 spike & that doesn’t necessarily mean the vaccines were a failure but if they were a success you would likely see better numbers. Remember what Dr. Malone said about Fauci & Biden getting COVID-19 & despite the fact they are elderly, they are not overweight & do not have diabetes – ergo, even they are at a low risk & the narrative that “it would have been much worse sans vaccine” carries little weight. Now back to your regularly scheduled post from Tom Woods]
Is Fauci going to concede anything at all?
Of course not: “I’m not sure the lockdowns itself did it, and I’m wondering why you’re asking me about lockdowns because there were not complete lockdowns in this country,” Fauci said. “There were restrictions, obviously, but there were not lockdowns.”
That's the latest one from the crazies: we didn't really have lockdowns. Real lockdowns were done by the Chinese, says Fauci.
“China is now going into a real lockdown. So I would disagree characterizing whatever went on during this country as a full lockdown."
Stanford's Jay Bhattacharya shot back: “It is shocking that Dr. Fauci remains blind to the strong scientific evidence that the lockdown approach that he championed has caused devastating harm to the poor, vulnerable, and working class. His only regret seems to be that we did not lock down hard enough like China did, where healthy residents have been force-quarantined, children separated from parents, pet dogs and cats killed, with no discernible effect on the spread of the disease."
Do these sound like people deeply invested in your well-being? You want these kinds of people educating your kids? We need to build our own institutions.
According to the data that Tom elucidated (as well as the Epoch Times) show us that (especially) Michigan & Illinois had large spikes in excess deaths in Q4 2021-Q1 2022 relative to all previous quarters documented. Those two states had excruciating lockdowns & engaged in COVID-19 mitigation mania. [Want more data from Tom Woods on excess mortality (in this case, under-5 infant mortality in low & middle-income countries) in the wake of COVID-19 lockdowns? Sure you do!]
Again, the obvious conclusion from these numbers is there is an alarming number of excess deaths among the younger working age population. I am not saying those 70+ are not important, but a spike in excess deaths isn’t alarming as those folks are far more likely to have numerous immunodeficiencies.
The lockdowns in numerous states (and you know what rolls downhill, every state had a severe economic contraction in the wake of the plandemic lockdowns) caused much of this along w/ a massive drug problem America has been wrestling w/ for decades. [end quote]
Before we hit the video clip from Larry Elder, see this from Tom Woods’ interview w/ Dr. Pierre Kory, president of Frontline COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. Lots of sobering data in there, such as (and Pierre mentioned some of this in his interview): What caused life expectancy to drop substantially (essentially from 78.8 to 76.4) from 2019 to 2021? See for this data. This means a LOT of younger people are dying for life expectancy to drop that far in just 3 years. I say the lockdowns & the unproven vaccines caused it.
The Media Industrial Complex WILL talk about excess deaths, when they think they can blame it on the climate change boogeyman or pollution
Then we have this “The Western World should have been the most well-equipped to stave off the worst effects of the COVID pandemic. The data presented in a recent British Medical Journal (BMJ) shows us how far from the truth that is.
In a recent study titled, “Excess mortality across countries in the Western World since the COVID-19 pandemic: ‘Our World in Data’ estimates of January 2020 to December 2022”, the authors analyzed excess mortality, assessing the deviation between reported deaths and expected deaths. In the 47 countries researched, over three million excess deaths were found to have occurred. While the BMJ study does conclude “there is a problem with excess death”, they don’t point to any particular cause. As Dr. Marik points out in the webinar, we can at least safely conclude these deaths could not have been caused by COVID.”
“Take this data from the CDC for example: The CDC data shows deaths from COVID declined after April 2022. The mortality data from the BMJ study shows the number of excess deaths continued to climb toward the end of December 2022. Since COVID vaccination campaign was very much in full swing at this time, the most plausible cause of the excess deaths is the vaccine itself.”
And this from the BMJ: “Excess mortality has remained high in the Western World for three consecutive years, despite the implementation of containment measures and COVID-19 vaccines. This raises serious concerns. Government leaders and policymakers need to thoroughly investigate underlying causes of persistent excess mortality.”
So, if it was NOT the vaccines & most lockdown mitigation measures were ceased by late 2021, what is the cause of this massive spike in excess deaths? “VAERS is one of the strongest available tools to track and prevent vaccine harm. It is an open database used by consumers, patients, and healthcare professionals to report vaccine problems, which are then analyzed by the CDC. The Department of Health and Human Services describes it as “a national early warning system to detect possible safety problems in U.S.-licensed vaccines.”
“VAERS has a track record of results. In 1997, U.S. physicians modified the childhood polio vaccine schedule based on a handful of vaccine-induced paralysis reports that showed up annually in VAERS. A hepatitis B vaccine was suspended in 1998 due to a suspected link to multiple sclerosis. That same year, rotavirus vaccines found to contain porcine circovirus type 1 were removed. A meningococcal vaccine was withdrawn in 2008 on suspicion of causing Guillain-Barre syndrome, and in 2009, an H1N1 flu vaccine was suspended for increasing the risk of narcolepsy.”
“In 2021, VAERS received more reports of post-vaccination deaths than in the prior 30 years combined. The totals for 2022 and 2023 are lower than 2021 but still dwarf pre-pandemic years. These reports do not automatically signify the cause of death and must be carefully analyzed. But with tens of thousands of reports in VAERS for COVID-19 vaccine-related deaths alone, it isn’t realistic to expect the CDC to investigate them all.”
“Public health authorities should be concerned about the widening gap between their guidance and vaccine behavior. By February 2021, more than half of U.S. adults were vaccinated against COVID-19. But according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll, just 29% are “very interested” in getting the updated vaccine. The effect seems to be contributing to vaccine hesitancy more broadly, too.”
This ends the data on excess deaths & what follows is a clip from the Larry Elder Show on The Epoch Times. I highly recommend getting a digital subscription to The Epoch Times.
BONUS: The Heritage Foundation’s map of COVID-19 hypocrites – do as these pedocrats say, not as they do!
DOUBLE BONUS: Covid-19 Lockdowns get NUKED!
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