Spiritual War; Advent Peace

Streamed on:

00:00 Saint/Word of the Day, News Brief, Catholic Trivia Game
15:00 The Next Right Thing with Debbie Georgianni and Adam Blai: Spiritual Warfare
44:00 Notes of Truth with Julie Carrick: Advent Peace

Prayer for Peace - https://lpj.org/index.php/en/news/requesting-from-hb-on-the-feast-of-the-assumption
Novena - https://novena.cardinalburke.com
For Advent Music Recommendations, email morningjoy@gmail.com

§ SAINT Candles
- www.saintcandles.com
Use promo code GUADALUPE

§ SAINT Catholic Lifestyle App
- Apple Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/nr/app/saint-catholic-lifestyle/id6670555256
- Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.saint.saintapp&hl=en_US
Invite Code: GUADALUPE

Morning Joy, Where Truth Matters
Hosted by Keith Downey
Weekdays starting at 6am Central
From the Guadalupe Radio Network

Word(s) of the Day: AWE

Do you know what intinction is? Play our trivia game for free at www.GRNonline.com/Joy and you could receive our weekly prize!

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