I was interviewed by Polish News! TRUTH about BEAUTIFUL Poland!

2 months ago

Poland's Independence Day is konsidered by mainstream media as the most racist march on earth!
Full of racists, white supremacists, neo nazis, far right extremists & fascists.
I went to see for myself how klose to the truth this mainstream narrative would aktually be.
Invited to then diskuss my experience, I was invited by Poland's Republika Television Morning Show to speak about the march, Poland's history & answer the question "is it ok to be proud to be white?"

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Big thanks to @Telewizja_Republika for their platform to tell the truth & for a memorable & thoroughly enjoyable experience!
Our full unedited interview on their channel here: https://youtu.be/FMNWJwORkBA?si=9zfV6SWyzQjlWGWC

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