Babylon Crumbles. Will You Crumble With It?

1 month ago

It’s NOT About YOU! Seriously, It’s NOT About YOU! Quit being so conceited and self-centered.

A VOICE CRYING IN THE DESERT Missions Outreach Ministry Presents:


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Babylon Crumbles. Will You Crumble With It?

Ouch! Those are tough words we opened with. But they are very true. And they apply to the Modern American Christian and especially to those who call themselves “Evangelical Christians”. We, and they, need to understand NOTHING in the Bible is specifically talking about us or about the United States of America. By the time the Tribulation and the One World Government begin, the United States and the Modern American Church will be a complete afterthought. We have no role to play whatsoever in the events seen in Daniel, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Revelation, and more. Those events, and the events to come are all focused on what we today call the Middle East. And those events are quickly coming upon us.

We are told in Revelation that Babylon, the first Great Empire found in the Bible, will once again rule the entire world. It will rise to levels of greatness and riches that Rome never dreamt of and that we certainly never obtained in America. Yet, that will not last. For all the might, power, and riches Babylon and the Antichrist will project, it will all be a mirage. As the Tribulation begins to draw to a close, and after God’s Wrath has been repeatedly poured out on this sinful world, Babylon is going to crumble. Everything it stands for will be destroyed. That is the future that is coming.

Are you prepared for it?

Join Conversations With The Evangelist as we discuss the events that are coming that will finish destroying everything we believe we have in America today, the rise of the Antichrist and the return of the Babylonian Empire. And then destruction that is coming as Jesus prepares to rule and reign on this Earth for 1,000 years.

Contact James Carter for how to support our Outreach Missions Work.

Join us at the Zanesville Christmas Market on December 7th at Zanesville United Brethren Church in Zanesville, IN. Meet the Evangelist. Buy some Swag and help us spread this Love and Hope to those who are seriously hurting.

#babylon, #babylonianempire, #Romanempire, #Rome, #Antichrist, #Tribulation, #GreatTribulation, #GrapesofWrath, #babyloncrumbles, #faith, #faithintroubledtimes, #Onlinesermon, #outreach, #evangelism, #evangelist, #Missions, #missionaries, #spreadHisLove, #faithjourney

Please share and invite others to come join the Conversation. Please pray about joining A Voice Crying In The Desert as we Walk Into The Unknown, set off on a Faith Journey not knowing how we can possibly succeed or where the final destination lies.

Please join us in praying for and support this Outreach as we enter the next phase of what God has called us to. Traveling as He leads to do in-person Outreach and share His Love with those who need it the most. To do this, we need regular support and for churches across the country to come alongside as missions partners.

Let’s be friends. Please subscribe and follow us across Social Media.

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A Voice Crying In The Desert is a Faith-based Missions Outreach Ministry that is not affiliated with any church or denomination, although we are willing to work with any church or denomination that will work with us. We are trusting God to provide for us financially and to send in workers. If you feel led by the Holy Spirit to help us fulfill our vision with a financial donation, you can send it to James Carter through VENMO: James-Carter-1054 or CashApp: $jjcarter7136. Or contact James Carter for information on how to mail a donation to us.

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