The Moors - Light My Tire

3 months ago

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A song about a unique African cultural practice called necklacing. Commonly used by the ANC for some time.
you've already beaten me blue
you carved me up using barbed wire
now there's but one thing to do
my screaming couldn't get much high-ah

come on baby light my tire
come on baby light my tire
try to set my head on fire

the time for torturing is through
you've worn the grooves out on your pliars
I'm drenched in your petrol and booze
there's nothing left you could desire

come on baby light my tire
come on baby light my tire
try to set my head on fiyaaaaaaaah aaaaaaaaaahh

most of me has been removed
I don't even know where my eyes are
you've salted all my o-pen wounds
perhaps it's time you should retire

come on baby light my tire
come on baby light my tire
try to set my head on fiyaaaah yeah

the broth is ready for your stew
your mouth is dribbling with saliva
you've basted me for bar-beque
now it's time to get that lighter

come on baby light my tire
come on baby light my tire
try to set my head on fire
try to set my head on fire
try to set my head on fi-re
try to set my head on....fiyaaaaaaaaahhhhh

Note: Any video of Africans on fire is purely AI or animation. Nobody was set ablaze in the making of this music video. White Africans were added for the sake of diversity and raising our ESG score, not necessarily for historical accuracy.

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