October 22nd, 2024 Newbie Tuesday Bible Study Q&A

3 months ago

12:05:34 From twojmunns : Greetings!!!
12:05:55 From Diplo : Hi. New here. Very excited. 🙂
12:06:25 From Lynnea : 🤓 Newbie Tuesday Study Guide 🧐https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u1-ZfG8yqKsLHrlJLnBci6Dv7Olu4TgKA1WRM1ZmY0Y/edit?usp=sharing
12:06:46 From Diplo : Reacted to "🤓 Newbie Tuesday St…" with 👍
12:06:53 From SirNoMoor : Sup everyone, peace and love
12:07:34 From Cant Touch This Graves : 1
12:07:36 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : 1111
12:07:36 From Talib : 1
12:07:37 From twojmunns : 1
12:07:37 From Lynnea : 1
12:07:39 From TRoy : 1
12:07:40 From SirNoMoor : 11
12:07:42 From Rkool : 1
12:07:44 From Sahar El : 1
12:07:44 From JW : 1
12:07:45 From Lorian Leonard : 1
12:07:47 From Mark : 1
12:07:51 From Darlene D : 1
12:07:56 From mensah_c 孔子 : 1
12:08:02 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Peaceful Greetings Beloveds

12:08:05 From iPhone (THE GOAT) : 1
12:08:23 From Cant Touch This Graves : yes! was sad and craving the knowledge!
12:08:40 From Am waterwoman : #102024 #10222024 #Oct222024 #Oct2024
12:08:53 From question everything 2x : Greetings to all. Welcome back, Malika.
12:09:00 From Am waterwoman : Yes
12:09:04 From Cant Touch This Graves : it does!
12:09:13 From Cant Touch This Graves : the truth will set one free
12:09:15 From twojmunns : Yes!!! All the chills
12:09:30 From Diplo : That’s why the real can recognize real.
12:09:31 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : ignorance?
12:09:41 From Talib : the truth sets you free!
12:09:43 From twojmunns : Its takes time to trust your gut
12:09:46 From Cant Touch This Graves : sin-derella
12:10:06 From SirNoMoor : That part 😂
12:11:44 From Coach : LOL😂🤣💯
12:13:18 From Cant Touch This Graves : 1
12:13:33 From Ashley : 🙋🏽‍♀️
12:13:57 From Cant Touch This Graves : leaping before one looks
12:14:42 From Ashley : 🙋🏽‍♀️
12:14:43 From Talib : 1
12:14:44 From Sahar El : Yes
12:15:41 From Cant Touch This Graves : ahhh haaaaa moment
12:16:00 From twojmunns : mycellium
12:16:22 From twojmunns : 🍄
12:16:22 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Neurons
12:16:33 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Mnemonics
12:17:52 From Ashley : Definitely like cheating on a test
12:18:22 From Damrong Vicithechi : Mycorrhizae
12:18:43 From Spiritpower : That was me behind you. I had binoculars
12:19:26 From Malika Dulce : Reacted to "That was me behind y..." with 😄
12:19:30 From Diplo : Reacted to "That was me behind y…" with 😄
12:19:30 From Am waterwoman : Right
12:20:13 From Cant Touch This Graves : woah
12:20:44 From Cant Touch This Graves : i have a noobie with me today
12:21:18 From Aysia : I'm new! Happy to be here 😊
12:21:30 From Gayleforce1 : How do we change our status?
12:21:31 From The L Don : keep it clean got the newbies here
12:21:39 From SirNoMoor : Welcome
12:21:41 From Lynnea : Reacted to "keep it clean got th..." with 😅
12:21:41 From Diplo : I’m new. Excited!
12:21:55 From Stephen Grant : Hands up dont shoot
12:21:57 From Lynnea : Reacted to "How do we change our..." with 🤢
12:22:03 From Gayleforce1 : Reacted to "How do we change our..." with 😂
12:22:18 From The L Don : how do we change our status back to before when we changed our status?
12:22:40 From Gayleforce1 : Reacted to "how do we change our..." with 👍🏽
12:23:00 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to how do we change our... with "😂"
12:23:05 From Malika Dulce : Reacted to "how do we change our..." with 😂
12:23:12 From Cant Touch This Graves : did yall see the judge that said the man was guilty of "walking while black"?
12:23:45 From Cant Touch This Graves : alleged judge that is
12:24:03 From Diplo : When I hear ‘change status’ I’m thinking times before we were issued social security numbers
12:24:13 From Gayleforce1 : Yes!
12:24:16 From Gayleforce1 : White!
12:24:30 From The L Don : exterminate whitey
12:24:30 From Trading Brigade : I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status
12:24:33 From Gayleforce1 : We are all white!
12:24:38 From Trading Brigade : lol
12:24:54 From twojmunns : I thought the birth certificate was the culprit for my status
12:24:58 From Cant Touch This Graves : I changed my status when I started acting equitably and proper
12:25:56 From Rkool : Perfect 7
12:27:08 From Cant Touch This Graves : I put my family and property in a trust now they are safe
12:27:13 From Gayleforce1 : Who saw the Columbus day sale on status corrections?
12:27:21 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : well if everything is commerce then then its sin... lol
12:27:51 From Rkool : status
/stăt′əs, stā′təs/

Position relative to that of others; standing.
"Her status is that of a guest."
High standing; prestige.
"a position of status in the community."
The legal character or condition of a person or thing.
"the status of a minor."
The state of affairs; the situation: synonym: state.
"What is the status of the negotiations?"
Similar: state
State; condition; position of affairs. 
Similar: statecondition
A person’s condition, position or standingrelative to that of others.
Prestige or high standing.
A situation or state of affairs.
The legal condition of a person or thing.
12:27:56 From Cant Touch This Graves : trust me...it works...kidding
12:28:30 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : sin is legal time
12:29:09 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : legal is the undoing of gods law.... aka sin aka legal time
12:29:10 From Gayleforce1 : It’s the mothers. It’s always the mothers.
12:30:34 From Diplo : Propaganda shapes belief and definitions
12:32:04 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : statutory law (state law/"legal"code) is defined as "the undoing of god's law." - 1893 dictionary of arts & sciences, encyclopedia Britannica a dictionary of arts, sciences and general literature / the r.s. peale 9th 1893
12:33:18 From BeautyRedz : Grand day Kings and Queens
12:33:22 From Carmen : https://www.gotquestions.org/conceived-in-sin.html
12:33:40 From Diplo : Blinded by the matrix
12:34:10 From Goddess : I believed that it was about changing the presumptions about one's status as it relates to how public servants interact with you
12:35:18 From Stephen Grant : Raised by wolves
12:35:42 From Talib : 1
12:35:56 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : actions AT LAW (commerce) are sin[ful] while actions in Law (non-commercial) are virtue
12:35:58 From Diplo : Instincts
12:36:28 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : instincts of lazy people not willing to think
12:36:52 From Diplo : Pinocchio
12:38:02 From Carmen : Reacted to "I believed that it w..." with 👍
12:39:51 From Diplo : Freedom of the mind
12:40:06 From Coach : True Freedom!
12:41:03 From Cant Touch This Graves : right here
12:41:09 From Gayleforce1 : OMG!
12:42:07 From Trading Brigade : “The supreme test of Sonship is the forgiveness of sin. The test that your imagination is Christ Jesus, the Son of God, is your ability to forgive sin. Sin means missing one's mark in life, falling short of one's ideal, failing to achieve one's aim. Forgiveness means identification of man with his ideal or aim in life. This is the work of awakened imagination, the supreme work, for it tests man's ability to enter into and partake of the nature of his opposite.”
12:42:18 From Diplo : College did me no good
12:42:20 From A. H. : Mexicans call it "arregla tus papeles" it means Fix your papers or "correct your status" in a way..They tell us become U.S citizens so we can get Papers and Passport to travel. That was a lie
12:42:35 From Diplo : Institutions of Indoctrination
12:42:53 From SirNoMoor : A biiggg lie
12:43:06 From @am waterwoman : Had no idea
12:43:35 From @am waterwoman : Right
12:44:07 From @am waterwoman : Yes
12:44:23 From Carmen : But do we all have an SSN?
12:44:25 From raymond-sophia : The first relationship is our relationship with the energy (source) of creation. When we are too busy thinking then it will be very difficult to hear the intelligence of that which created and supports all life.
12:44:42 From Carmen : A social insurance number?
12:45:14 From @am waterwoman : They made people believe they are taxpayers. Persons.
12:45:47 From Diplo : My understanding SSNs will be replaced by a world ID and social credit score per the UN
12:46:29 From raymond-sophia : Are we still taking ourselves for a ride when we use money to get stuff?
12:46:32 From Ryan : Have a great week all, got to go early today
12:46:36 From Gayleforce1 : I almost got my bc deposited.
12:46:48 From Malika Dulce : https://freedomfromgovernment.org/classes/
12:47:38 From Carmen : I will watch the BC and SS account videos...still on As above so below.
12:47:43 From Jessica Amanda El : My baby doesnt have a social security number. And section 8 called me to see if i wanted to claim the next apartment that will be available. They said only if my baby gets a social security number within 90 days or the section 8 contract will be terminated
12:49:06 From JW : is it the emergency one?
12:49:36 From question everything 2x : Replying to "My baby doesnt hav..."

Ask them for the documentary evidence that they are relying on to make that legal determination.
12:50:00 From @am waterwoman : She’s doing pretty good.
12:50:45 From Cant Touch This Graves : the emerging of their bs
12:50:49 From @am waterwoman : Replying to "My baby doesnt have …"
Did they put that in writing?
12:51:57 From Jessica Amanda El : Reacted to Ask them for the doc... with "👍"
12:52:11 From @am waterwoman : Right
12:52:43 From @am waterwoman : That’s why they’re trying to get all the immigrants to sign up as u.s. citizen
12:52:51 From raymond-sophia : It is up to me to comprehend the principles (laws) of creation (how thoughts become things with our focus, the principles of projection and reflection and the so-called Law of Attraction). When I know how easy it is to program the unconscious (autonomic nervous system) it is up to me to be aware of what is running in the background of my life. Man's design is made perfect and life is supposed to be fun. When I know these concepts it is up to me to be conscious and conscientious of what thoughts i am thinking and projecting into the collective unconscious of the earth field.
12:52:53 From Najima El : My littles are in private charter, no ssn no bc
12:53:07 From Cant Touch This Graves : 1
12:53:10 From Najima El : 1
12:53:11 From Lynnea : 111111
12:53:11 From KaM : 1
12:53:11 From Carmen : 1
12:53:13 From SirNoMoor : 1
12:53:14 From Talib : 1
12:53:17 From iPhone (THE GOAT) : 111111
12:53:27 From Jessica Amanda El : Replying to "My baby doesnt have ..."

@@am waterwoman she said needs an answer by the end of the week if I will be applying for ss# ( I do not plan on getting ss# for baby )
12:53:37 From Stephen Grant : 1
12:53:38 From Rkool : 1
12:53:47 From Stephen Grant : Reacted to My baby doesnt have ... with "😂"
12:54:13 From raymond-sophia : Everyone perceives and thinks unique to their mental and emotional state and state of consciousness and who they know themselves to be. Knowing is having the direct experience of a thing.
12:54:16 From Beautiful Redz : CAN 1 HELP ME GET UNEMPLOYMENT
12:55:13 From Beautiful Redz : YES QUEEN. I need my license back so I can work.
12:55:19 From JW : 42 U.S. Code § 11331 - Emergency Food and Shelter Program National Board this is the one i was referring to
12:56:07 From @am waterwoman : Replying to "My baby doesnt have …"
Ask her to send that to oneself in writing via email.
12:56:16 From @am waterwoman : Reacted to "Ask them for the doc…" with 👍
12:56:34 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "@@am waterwoman sh..." with 👍
12:57:37 From Beautiful Redz : Section 8 clauses 14
12:57:48 From Rkool : Reacted to "Ask them for the doc…" with 👍
12:57:53 From Rkool : Reacted to "@@am waterwoman she …" with 👍
12:57:53 From Goddess : Newbies sign up for the classes Malika opened my eyes about how the public servants work for us, how to check em and more
12:58:03 From KaM : Reacted to "Section 8 clauses 14" with 💯
12:58:05 From @am waterwoman : Reacted to "Newbies sign up for …" with ❤️
12:58:06 From Beautiful Redz : I just been trying to memorize that article
12:59:13 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : sounds like a commercial political question
12:59:57 From Diplo : Can you have a mind before a heart?
13:04:55 From Carmen : from corporations
13:05:40 From Malika Dulce : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/42/3531
13:05:51 From raymond-sophia : Yes, the quality of the electromagnetic field of the heart is foundational. "Everyone sees the unseen in proportion to the clarity of his heart, and that depends upon how much he has polished it. Whoever has polished it more sees more - more unseen forms become manifest to him" rumi Titus 1:15 New International Version "5 To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciences are corrupted."
13:05:53 From Beautiful Redz : Zoom playing with me how they kick me out as I was asking a question
13:07:29 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : 42 U.S. Code Chapter 106 - COMMUNITY SERVICES BLOCK GRANT PROGRAM
13:07:37 From @am waterwoman : That’s the crux of the matter?
13:07:38 From Gayleforce1 : Our People
13:07:46 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : Replying to "42 U.S. Code Chapter..."

42 U.S. Code § 9907 - Uses of funds
13:08:17 From Lynnea : 🤓 Newbie Tuesday Study Guide  🧐https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u1-ZfG8yqKsLHrlJLnBci6Dv7Olu4TgKA1WRM1ZmY0Y/edit?usp=sharing
13:08:24 From Diplo : Reacted to "🤓 Newbie Tuesday St…" with 👍
13:09:24 From Carmen : persons reside
13:09:28 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : persons have duties
13:09:29 From Carmen : people live.
13:09:32 From Gayleforce1 : #PeopleLive
13:09:43 From Gayleforce1 : #PersonsReside
13:10:26 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Congressional Declaration of Purpose

13:12:27 From @am waterwoman : Yes
13:12:36 From #AiAm : #NewBeeTuesday102224
13:13:37 From Beautiful Redz : So people= living soul and person= a resident aka dead
13:14:12 From @am waterwoman : Person is a legal entity
13:14:19 From @am waterwoman : Not necessarily dead
13:14:56 From Beautiful Redz : Replying to "Not necessarily dead"

13:14:59 From Carmen : Why are they displacing Americans then with hurricanes and disasters?
13:16:04 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "Congressional Decl..." with 🎯
13:16:32 From Najima El : Reacted to Congressional Declar... with "🎯"
13:17:10 From Jus Joe : This my type of convo
13:17:37 From Gayleforce1 : At the national level!
13:19:33 From Diplo : Federal Reserve isn’t federal nor has reserves.
13:19:50 From Najima El : Reacted to Ask them for the doc... with "👍"
13:20:04 From Najima El : Reacted to @@am waterwoman she ... with "👍"
13:20:22 From brenda-theresa, a woman; : Replying to "Why are they displac..."

because those involved have investments in the companies that mine lithium under ground on the lands that are being targeted
13:20:27 From Najima El : Reacted to 42 U.S. Code Chapter... with "❤️"
13:20:30 From Najima El : Reacted to 42 U.S. Code § 9907 ... with "❤️"
13:20:32 From Jus Joe : Aka benefactor
13:23:11 From @am waterwoman : Yes
13:24:44 From #AiAm : I read some where that taxes paid are to pay for the President expenses
13:25:12 From Diplo : They’re too dependent and will ask for more handouts.
13:25:16 From hiya : #15usc17
13:25:19 From The L Don : They are gonna vote for their continued enslavement
13:25:40 From Diplo : That’s why we drive up more debt and socialized programs.
13:26:34 From @FreeToProsper : Reacted to "They are gonna vote ..." with 💯
13:27:14 From @am waterwoman : Uh oh
13:27:41 From @am waterwoman : How to be one of the people vs acting as a person
13:28:07 From Goddess : ACLU receives millions if doll.hairs to protect immigrants
13:28:55 From Carmen : Isn't "human" the color of - not same as people, man, woman?
13:29:07 From question everything 2x : Most of the information people believe about "illegal" immigrants is BS and just stories that are put out by media, MSM or alternative or "independent journalists", etc.
13:30:47 From Jus Joe : Lol true #Movelikewater
13:30:53 From Rkool : I have a good one, will ask Thursday
13:32:57 From SirNoMoor : #whoistheservant
13:33:19 From raymond-sophia : #derelectionofduty
13:34:12 From The L Don : #seclaratoryjudgment1:33
13:34:21 From question everything 2x : Replying to "Federal Reserve isn..."

It is a "person".
13:34:34 From SirNoMoor : Who is a person?
13:35:18 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : (B)Qualified charity
(i)In general
The term “qualified charity” means any organization—
(I)that is—
described in section 501(c)(3) of title 26 and exempt from tax under section 501(a) of such title;
an eligible entity; or
a public housing agency as defined in section 1437a(b)(6) of this title;
13:35:26 From question everything 2x : Yes, records are not enough because they'll still do what they're doing. Get a declaratory judgment and then sue their asses.
13:35:46 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : Replying to "(B)Qualified charity..."

a "public housing agency"...
13:36:34 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : Replying to "(B)Qualified charity..."

(6)Public housing agency.—
(A)In general.—
Except as provided in subparagraph (B), the term “public housing agency” means any State, county, municipality, or other governmental entity or public body (or agency or instrumentality thereof) which is authorized to engage in
13:36:36 From El Hotepsehkemwy Pero : Replying to "(B)Qualified charity..."

or assist in the development or operation of public housing, or a consortium of such entities or bodies as approved by the Secretary.
13:37:28 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "(B)Qualified chari..." with 🎯
13:37:34 From Gayleforce1 : Is the declaratory judgement a court or agency determination?
13:37:42 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "(6)Public housing ..." with 🎯
13:38:22 From question everything 2x : Replying to "Is the declaratory..."

Could be either. Either one can issue it.
13:38:42 From Stephen Grant : Replying to "(B)Qualified charity..."

13:39:21 From Diplo : Records requests do not always provide full transparency
13:39:29 From Goddess : Reacted to (B)Qualified charity... with "🎯"
13:39:31 From Goddess : Reacted to (6)Public housing ag... with "🎯"
13:40:01 From Stephen Grant : Futher mucker
13:41:10 From Jus Joe : Kick it up in short
13:42:44 From question everything 2x : Yes, Keith!!! You have to know it.
13:43:18 From raymond-sophia : Speaking on a records request in helping a friend who was arrested by police working under the courts of Quebec I called the court and spoke to the Director of the court: I asked “is nobody at the court maintaining that they are following procedural law?” The Director said “the judge is in charge of that, judges and lawyers”. Relator said, “Ok, that is interesting”. Director confessed, “we are not decision makers” Relator asked, “so the only one that is making sure procedure is followed is the judge himself?” [edited]
Act respecting Access to documents held by public bodies and the Protection of personal information
So I did some research and found this website:

13:46:07 From Jus Joe : #APA
13:47:11 From Diplo : Gotta go. This has been fun. Looking forward to the next one. 👍🏼
13:48:00 From Beautiful Redz : What about Pennsylvania
13:48:15 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "#APA" with 🎯
13:48:44 From Najima El : It's called declaratory ruling in NC
13:49:27 From Jus Joe : A final decision
13:52:06 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : risk management
13:52:48 From raymond-sophia : #noticeofclaimclaimofdamages where to send it...
13:53:03 From Jus Joe : They are self-insured..
13:53:08 From question everything 2x : declaratory judgment
13:54:11 From raymond-sophia : Consult the #administrativecode Administrative Procedures Act for the state where the accident occurred
13:55:26 From question everything 2x : No record.
13:55:35 From sunny! : just yapping
13:55:52 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : they them for quality assurance this call is being recorded
13:55:57 From Beautiful Redz : No proof and they try to throw you off when caught off guard
13:56:30 From question everything 2x : Reacted to "No proof and they ..." with 🎯
13:58:21 From question everything 2x : Ha, ha, "this is a recorded line".
13:58:36 From Malika Dulce : Reacted to "Ha, ha, "this is a r..." with 😄
13:58:51 From Beautiful Redz : LOOK WHAT MY CHILDS FATHER JUST SENT ME...

Good afternoon
I am compelled to address your ongoing non-compliance with the court's child support order. Despite numerous reminders, your failure to provide the necessary financial support has reached a critical point. Be aware that continued disregard for this legal obligation may result in severe consequences, including the possibility of jail time. Given that you were previously arrested for this matter, it is imperative that you take immediate action to fulfill your obligations and avoid further escalation.
13:58:58 From Malika Dulce : Reacted to "No proof and they tr..." with 🎯
13:59:42 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : its not her duty to know
14:01:58 From Jus Joe : Every state has one... State version of FOIA
14:02:03 From question everything 2x : Replying to "LOOK WHAT MY CHILD..."

does that sound like something he would say? sounds like lawyer speak.
14:02:05 From Imperium Privatus Nagual : there is court procedure and administrative clerk procedure
14:02:35 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Reacted to "#PeopleLive" with 🎯
14:02:38 From Hasan Ghaziel Bey All Rights Reserved : Reacted to "#PersonsReside" with 🎯
14:02:39 From Beautiful Redz : Replying to "LOOK WHAT MY CHILDS ..."

14:03:18 From Beautiful Redz : Replying to "LOOK WHAT MY CHILDS ..."

But he refuse to allow me to be a mom. He has ever doctor, nurse and so on not allowing me not to find information about my daughter.
14:04:29 From question everything 2x : Breach of fiduciary duty as trustee of Public Trust.
14:04:49 From Cant Touch This Graves : Reacted to "Breach of fiduciary ..." with ❤️
14:06:54 From raymond-sophia : Replying to "Speaking on a record..."

Court clerk
The clerk is the court officer responsible for a court’s administrative services. The clerk's role is to provide a link between you, as a member of the public, and the various court officials, such as the judge or special clerk. For this purpose, the clerk receives the documents you are required to file, for example as the plaintiff or defendant in a case.
The clerk’s duties are to:
receive the pleadings, documents and exhibits that must be filed by parties and witnesses;
verify that the record is complete and meets the legal requirements;
swear in witnesses;
record everything said and done during the hearing. https://www.quebec.ca/en/justice-and-civil-status/judicial-system/players-in-the-court-system/court-clerk
14:07:11 From raymond-sophia : Replying to "Speaking on a record..."

What are the legal requirements?
14:07:39 From KaM : Reacted to "LOOK WHAT MY CHILDS ..." with 🐴
14:07:40 From Stephen Grant : Quebec is a common law province. Should be easy.
14:08:20 From Lynnea : 🤓 Newbie Tuesday Study Guide  🧐https://docs.google.com/document/d/1u1-ZfG8yqKsLHrlJLnBci6Dv7Olu4TgKA1WRM1ZmY0Y/edit?usp=sharing
14:09:33 From Jus Joe : ..and whose money are they spending...
14:09:44 From sunny! : or at least fairly early on
14:09:45 From @FreeToProsper : Love y'all. Gotta run. May the Most High bless each and every one of you. 🙏🏻
14:14:09 From The L Don : 19 81o
14:14:16 From Malika Dulce : Reacted to "19 81o" with 🎯
14:14:25 From question everything 2x : resident = person = taxpayer
14:14:30 From Jus Joe : Res-ident
14:14:49 From raymond-sophia : #theerrorintherecord Defendant is a resident.. there has never been a legal determination that the defendant is a resident
14:14:51 From The L Don : https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/19/81o
14:14:54 From Jus Joe : Lmao
14:15:30 From raymond-sophia : #capacity to be charged
14:16:14 From TRoy : Peace and Love All...
14:16:25 From The L Don : Replying to "42 U.S. Code Chapter..."

14:17:00 From #AiAm : Revelation 18:4come out of her my people
14:18:25 From Cant Touch This Graves : is there time for a question
14:18:37 From raymond-sophia : #capacity I do not care what the charges are if I do not have the capacity to be charged...
14:19:25 From raymond-sophia : If I do not have the relationship if the state is the plaintiff... legal entity person, employee, an agent, a public office
14:19:34 From Jus Joe : State employees
14:19:46 From Jus Joe : City employees

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