⚒️🚄🛤️ @ Work 2022 Cut & Cover Tunnel Project 🚆🚇 Stage 2 OLRT Underground Train Station In Ottawa Canada 🍁

18 days ago

What is the O-Train East Extension?
The O-Train East Extension is one of three projects currently underway.

Here is what you need to know about the O-Train East Extension:

O-Train Line 1 currently ends at Blair Station.
It is being extended twelve kilometres east of Blair Station to Trim Road.
Five new stations will be built at Montréal Road, Jeanne d’Arc Boulevard, Convent Glen (Orléans Boulevard), Place d’Orléans, and Trim Road.
Three new pedestrian bridges will be added at Green’s Creek, Place d’Orléans, and Trim Road.
By 2025, 95% of east end residents will be within five kilometres of an O-Train station.
Track installation began earlier this year and is almost 55% complete.
stage 2 olrt ottawa
Stage 2 of Ottawa's Light Rail Transit (LRT) project is an exciting development aimed at extending the O-Train network. This phase includes three extensions: south, east, and west2.

For the east extension, Line 1 will be extended from Blair Station to Trim Station, passing through Orléans. This will provide better connectivity for residents in the east end of Ottawa3.

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